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A Study Of Wang Yangming's Management Ethics

Posted on:2018-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y W YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330518464354Subject:Management philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wang Yangming as the development and inheritance of Confucian culture,his philosophy in the history of Chinese philosophy has an important position,in which the management of ethical thinking has yet to attract attention and explore.The core of Wang Yangming's management ethics is "kindheartedness".He believes that the ruler because of the heart of all things love and have a noble character,and to practice the character,treat the people as their own treatment,to benevolence,and thus not angry from the prestige,loved by the people;People are also in this "kindheartedness" under the leadership of people can push people and people to "ceremony" and "kindheartedness" to treat others,making the community a harmonious and thriving.From top to bottom are benevolent,society will be harmonious,Heaven can be one,the world can Great Harmony;the latter is the value of Wang Yangming management ethical thinking pursuit.specifically,the king to regulate their own words and deeds in order to effectively manage;People should be modest,will be appropriate;subordinates to use the road and right to treat the higher level,to self-discipline.The corresponding management ethics implementation of the norms is to contract with the authority,to "should" and "modesty" to be self and due diligence.Wang Yangming's management ethical thought is the inheritance and extension of the Confucian system,the "rule by rites" and the "theory of original goodness of human nature".It is the embodiment of the spirit of virtue and the practice of the patriarchal morality.In the modern life,Wang Yangming management ethics of the core of "kindheartedness" has an important education,guidance and inspiration,and he pay attention to "the spirit of" the spirit of building,concerned about the core of the people's livelihood and social system of harmony and unity,Learn from meaning.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Yangming, Management ethics, thought
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