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The Song Of The Sirens

Posted on:2018-07-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515992782Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sex is a kind of biological phenomenon,but also a kind of cultural construction.For the Pioneering Novelists,sex writing not only has important structural meanings,but also plays an important role in the text narrative.Sex writing is the channel that cut into the history and sexual words always exist in Ge Fei's"kingdom on the paper".In the literary world of Ge Fei,sex writing is not used to open the sales or attract the eye of the gimmicks.The sex writing which crumbled in the lines and hidden in the knowledge,society,revolution and other key words has a strong personal style and it promotes the development and fate of the characters.This paper explores the narrative orientation of sex writing in Ge Fei's novels,and on this basis,explores the writing expression mechanism as well as the novel's narrative function and intrinsic clue in his novels.The first part of this paper combes the research status of this topic,and it also points out the research of paper,the necessity and thinking of writing.The main part of the thesis is divided into three parts.The first part discusses the three narrative aspects of the sex writing in Ge Fei's novels.The essay classifies the sex writing according to the different degrees of sexuality in the novel.The first one is the sex writing that have explicit sex scenes.The sexual behaviors are controlled by lust,connected with violence,or out of the shackles of ethics.The second is the ambiguous sex fantasy that eager to happen but not,manifested as linguistic tantalization,depressed sexual fantasies and unconscious sex dream.The third is to build a sexual writing atmosphere through the symbolic,harmonics and images within strong sex hints.From the above dimension of view to witness Ge Fei's novels,you will find sex writing "everywhere".These sex writings are quietly filled in the novel,building a meaningful interpretation of the "track" for the researchers.The second part discusses the unique sex writing style of Ge Fei's novel.Ge Fei consciously avoid making sexual discourse into timbres stunt,He regards sex as an indispensable narrative symbol to architecture novels,and conceals the sensory stimulation with euphemistic words to ensure aesthetic relief."Witnesses provide evidence" style of structure,perspectives that based on the memory and sex writing strategy in graceful and restrained,constitute a unique style of sex writing.The third part analyzes the narrative function of Ge Fei's sex writing.Sexual writing in Ge Fei's novel completes the desire to narrate at first.Sex writing restores the biological instinct of human beings,relates to the survival of human individual state,and is used by the right words requisition,to appear in the grand narrative and public discourse space.Thus it undertakes the writing function of social life and political history for the writer.Secondly,Ge Fei also write sex as a experimental field of human nature,written by sexual spiritual predicament of human exposure to the dark side of human nature,mining human mental difficulties,as one of the core of human anxiety,sex expression vividly representation of it the writer to look at the situation.All in all,Ge Fei is a writer that insight into the nature of sex,and his novel is the literary version of the theory of sex.The study of the narrative composition,characteristics and effects of sex writing in Ge Fei 's novels.It not only opens up a new path of Ge Fei research,but also provides an effective reference for the academic discourse to narrate the narrative dimension and narrative art of sex writing in tie current cultural context.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ge Fei, sex writing, Narrative orientation, Narrative strategy, Narrative function
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