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The Translation Report Of Lights Out(Chapter One-Chapter Six)

Posted on:2018-05-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y ZhengFull Text:PDF
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The source text is excerpted from Lights Out written by Ted Koppel.In the book,Ted Koppel discussed the disastrous consequence caused by cyber attacks on power grid,and some Americans' preparation for disasters of “lights out”.Now,science and technology are developing rapidly.Through unique viewpoint and vivid description,Ted Koppel reminded people of dependency on electricity.The source text covers Chapter One to Chapter Six of Lights Out which is over 16000 words.In this part,Ted Koppel depicted the chaos caused by outage in a large area.Moreover,he interviewed experts from the government,the army,power industry and insurance industry.Based on his interview,Ted Koppel analyzed the vulnerability,as well as the threats,of the power grid.In this paper,the translator elaborates the translation of titles and direct speeches,the usage of parallel texts,as well as different translation methods used in the translation of complex sentences,including following the original sentence order,reframing the discourse,semantic variation and conversion.During the translation,the translator applies what he learned to practice,and makes full use of the Internet to search for parallel texts.Through the project,the translator realizes his inadequacy.For future translation practice,the translator will lay emphasis on the accumulation of information of all industries,and improve the competence of both English and Chinese.
Keywords/Search Tags:the use of parallel text, reframing discourse, conversion
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