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Study On The Kindertransport In Great Britain,1938-1939

Posted on:2018-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y N DingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515982880Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Kindertransport was mainly a child refugee rescue campaign carried out by British non-governmental organizations from December 1938 to September 1939,covering Germany,Austria and Czechoslovakia,and part of Polish nationality Child refugee.In the 1930 s,the anti-Jewish policy of Nazi Germany in its sphere of influence seriously affected the school,family and social life of children in Germany,Austria and other countries,and these children needed to be immediately transferred to other countries.But countries such as the United States,Switzerland,and Canada,which were affected by the economic crisis at this time,imposed restrictions on refugee policies and refused to open their doors to European refugees,including children refugees.After the "Crystal Night" incident in 1938,the British government considered appropriate easing of immigration restrictions.At the request of British non-governmental organizations,the British government decided to implement the Kindertransport.Kindertransport rescue consists application,screening,transfer and placement four parts.First,children refugees apply to the local bailout organizations.Next,based on the principle of urgency and suitability,the rescue organization filter children and then transfer them to the Great Britain,into common family,refugee hotel and training center.The daily living conditions of children refugees in the Great Britain vary from place to place,while the British bailiffs enable children refugees to receive basic education and vocational training and help them to receive secondary education and university education;and through various religious activities,Jewish schools and other ways to help Jewish children refugees contact more with Judaism and Jewish culture.Through this rescue campaign,the Great Britain has transferred more than 10,000 children refugees,saved the lives of these children and promoted the development of other child relief campaigns and the establishment of cross-sectarian organizations.Through the study of the entire Kindertransport rescue action,the conclusion is that: from 1938 to1939,in the process of relief,though there are some shortcomings and limitations,theBritish government,the British Jewish community and the relief organization the British Kindertransport was doing great.Still it is the largest child rescue campaign,highlighting the international humanitarian spirit.
Keywords/Search Tags:Britain, Kindertransport, Children Refugee, Relief Operation
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