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Research On Fine ArtsCreation In Yantai Region In The 1970s

Posted on:2018-07-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515970421Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Paper research on fine art creation in Yantai in the 1970 s can be divided into two parts,and the first part is about fine art creation research in the Cultural Revolution,the second part is about the end of the cultural revolution,and fine art creation research in new era.This article is divided into five chapters.The first chapter is introduction,mainly introducing art study also belongs to the blank period in the Yantai area before 1980 s.My research on art creation in Yantai area in the 1970 s,plays an important role in the establishment of art system across the whole Yantai,and introduces my results in applying investigation method.Chapter 2 analyzes art creation background of Yantai in the 1970 s.Part 1,art has a distinct political features in cultural revolution period,when artists created works in strict accordance with the political demands,with red light stage occupying the whole art stage.Artists of Yantai were persecuted seriously,many of them were stamped with the brand of a class,even transferred to a lower level,and deprived of the rights of the artistic creation,with their properties confiscated.During this period,art creation was mainly divided into the creation of Red Guard arts and worker-peasant-soldier arts.Part 2,after crushing the "Gang of Four”,the cultural revolution ended,then reform and opening up led a new era,Yantai artists was rehabilitated and returned to the stage of arts.Artists going through the cultural revolution of oppression,broke the pent-up emotions out,so art creation presented a blowout state.On one hand,“scar”-themed art creation emerged,reflecting reflection on cultural revolution arts,on the other hand,"four modernizations”-themed art creation was built intensively.At the same time,early "invited" foreign famous masters came to Yantai for creation,also brought new ideas to Yantai,so local artists can well learn from them,which strengthens the connection between Yantai and outside world.Chapter 3 introduces the artistic features of Yantai art creation in the 1970 s,including some contents,like artistic works presented the features of politicization of artistic creation in cultural revolution under social and political influence,and painting style of publicity;Secondly,present art characteristics combining revolutionary realism and revolutionary romanticism;Thirdly,present unique regional characteristics in coastal areas in creating subject of regional landscape and social life.Chapter 4,mainly discusses fine arts activities in Yanta in the 1970 s,fine arts exhibitions artists participated in and awards;Establishment of the fine arts institutions;Creative activities of art masters from outside to Yantai.Chapter 5,evaluates the history of art development of Yantai in the 1970 s,including,art's basic task in cultural revolution,violated the double-hundred guiding principle in early fifties and the late 1960s;The theory of subject as a priority,first violated "theme then writing”of artistic creation;Three prominent principles guided artistic creation to the road of heroism,and cult of personality at his peak.Final part evaluates the significance of Yantai art creation in the 1970 s,including,artists improved groundwork level of skill during the cultural revolution,which lays a foundation for the later creation;After the ending of cultural revolution,and arrival of modern times,masters came to Yantai for creation,which opened the Yantai's door of “come in and go out”,prompted all kinds of arts institutions in Yantai after 1980 s to spring up like mushrooms,Yantai art boom,and unprecedented brilliance of arts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yantai, In the 70s, Fine Arts
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