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The Construction And Management Of Buddhist Temples In The Ming Dynasty

Posted on:2018-11-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Z FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515956795Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of Buddhism in the Ming Dynasty was rapid.In this context,the development of the monastery entered a peak of construction,showing a distinct stage characteristic.The author analyzes the construction process,construction reason,construction identity and regional distribution and reason,management and function extension of the Buddhist temple in Ming Dynasty,and analyzes the relevant aspects of the Buddhist monastery,so that the reader has a comprehensive understanding of the Buddhist temple in the Ming Dynasty.According to statistics,the Ming Dynasty to create a total of more than 6,000 Buddhist temples,of which the early and late construction of the Buddhist temple more,Hongwu,Yongle and Wanli,Chongzhen four dynasties to create Buddhist temple accounted for half of the Ming Dynasty examinations.In the middle of the Ming Dynasty,there were fewer temples,and the proportion was relatively small.This is caused by a variety of reasons,the development of Buddhism in the Ming Dynasty to promote the popularization of Buddhist beliefs,social strata of Buddhist beliefs is the main reason for the creation of Buddhist temple.Followed by the royal family pray and the need for family worship.The Buddhist policy of the Ming Dynasty was more obvious than the previous dynasty,and on the basis of this,a number of Buddhist temples were rebuilt to meet the state's management of Buddhism.Once again,the people of the country created the Buddhist temple out of the worship of nature and divine power.Under the general trend of Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism,the construction of the temple was branded with Confucianism.Ming Dynasty Buddhist temple builders in all areas of society.There are not only government officials,monks,local gentry,and civilians.Which the number of Buddhist monks and nuns built for the most,officials and civilians for the second,followed by local gentry and eunuchs,royal members to create a minimum number of members.From the Buddhist temple of the builders,the various sectors of society to participate in the Ming Dynasty Buddhist temple development is an important social basis.The area of the Ming Dynasty monastery has a distinct imbalance.In terms of urban and rural areas,the number of urban Buddhist temples is far beyond the number of rural Buddhist temples.From the terrain point of view,the mountains and plains are more than other terrain more site advantages,Jiangnan plainsand Buddhist mountains,the number of Buddhist temple is much higher than the north.From the administrative divisions,Nanjing and Zhejiang are the most intensive,followed by the capital and Jiangnan several governors,the Central Plains region again,and finally the southwest region.The formation of this pattern has a profound internal reason,both the Ming Dynasty political influence on the temple,but also the economic development of the South,for the temple to provide the conditions for the consideration of innovation.The development of Buddhism has left countless Buddhist monasteries,which are the historical basis of the increase of the number of Buddhist monasteries in the south of the Ming dynasty.The spread of the Buddhist sects is also closely related to the distribution pattern of the Buddhist temples in the Ming Dynasty.By the influence of the Ming Dynasty Buddhist policy,the Buddhist temple management showed many characteristics.From the monastery's funding sources,members of the staff,the administrative point of view,the main source of income is the income of the temple,the temple in the monastery economic management has a unique policy.The composition of the Buddhist temple consists of abbot and deacon monks,abbot as the first management of the Buddhist temple,the election is extremely strict,and a sound system to protect the fairness of the election and the high quality of abbot.The administration of the government to the Buddhist temple is an important condition for the development of the Buddhist temple in the Ming Dynasty.The government has merged and collated the temple and set up the jurisdiction of the government for the purpose of national management.The administrative system of the official culture of the temple is the most representative,five mountain ten brake system is the basic system of the administrative management of the Ming and Qing dynasties.Ming Dynasty in the five mountain ten brake system on the basis of integration into the Baojia system,to strengthen the supervision and management of the temple.The temple as a religious place,originally as a gift of Buddha appeared,which is the most basic function of the temple.With the development of society and Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism,the temple has increased the tour function,and the doctrine of Buddhism is also destined to accommodate the characteristics of the Buddhist temple,especially for many poor students,the temple is a change to the accommodation The In the Ming Dynasty on the management of the Buddhist monks,Buddhist monkshave more high cultural quality,subtle influence between the Buddhist temple has become a kind of invisible educational places.In short,the Ming Dynasty Buddhist temple on the basis of the original,derived from the new features,this feature has a profound impact on the Ming Dynasty society.The creation of the Buddhist temple has led to the development of Buddhism,and the trend of Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism merged with each other,and the culture was diversified.The development of Buddhist temples has made the relationship between Buddhism and society closer and closer to the secular society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ming Dynasty, Buddhist temple, Buddhism, construction, management
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