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A Review On Wan Fang's Fiction Writing

Posted on:2018-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C X DengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515956318Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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Wan Fang is a contemporary author of unique style.Wan Fang,in her thirty years' writing career,is constantly adjusting her writing style and pursuing the essence of the art,presenting many of her observations and considerations about human life,fate and humanity as a writer with a sense of social responsibility.Based on Wan Fang's fiction and her writing course,this paper reviews Wan Fang,s artistic goals,features,trends and creative bottlenecks in the different stages of decades of her literary career,analyzes the reason why she encountered self-challenge and then "turning off' twice,discusses the emotional stance and the cultural attitude of "tolerance"between the lines,also also explains the value orientation of Wan Fang and her works.The main content of the three chapters is as follows:As Wan Fang engaged herself into the literary world at first,she displayed her distinctive style by narrative way of obsessing over the life burden.In this period,the personalities of the characters shaped in Wan Fang's fiction are too paranoid,only with emotions trapped within his or her own world fro beginning to end.When characters confronted with the unbearable pressure of life,they intended to resist conflict in a violent way,and always ended with death.Meanwhile,her narrative style also embodied in the structure of the fiction.Wan fang uses "dramatic conflict"in the novel structure.She likes to use "abruptness" and "coincidence" and other dramatic techniques to drive the plot,creating and resolving contradictions.In addition,her narrative way of obsessing over the life burden reflected in novel's ending.The fiction of this period are mostly no ending.She did not set the future for characters,or ended the story of the climax of the novel,leaving readers imagination space.This is not only the understanding and choice of the novel structure,but also a cognition and judgment of her life and destiny.In 2000,Wan Fang reached the first transition in her writing career.She discarded the way of "obsession to life burden" is off track,and started to consider the balance among peace,gentleness and relax,such statements in her writing.Wan Fang's writing was on a turning of managing to explore for accurate expression of life situation.On the one hand,she kept on asking and answering "what love means to life on earth" through lots of love matters.On the other hand,she was still "tangled" with an unknown sense of chaos resulted from fate and middle-aged marriage,and intend to express her consideration of life,humanity and fate,etc,by the presentation of the sense of "chaos".The vivid orientation of affective values in her writings reflects Wan Fang's professional awareness for social responsibility.However,thousands differences in the life time revealed Wan Fang's self obsession for some problems.And all of these have left some space for Wan Fang's further creation target.In 2008,Wan Fang encountered her self-challenge again.After suffered life change and trauma,she could get rid of her obsession in some situation and unload bigotryand narrowness in her life and writing.Instead of pursuing life truth earnestly,but living peace with life,and trying to accept the differences with further understanding for life,society and humanity.After that,Wan Fang had shaped a image of "binder" for women.These women were the combination of social ability and Wan Fang's aesthetic ideal,representing writer's "objective understanding of various standard" and "forgiveness for oneself'.Meanwhile,Wan Fang also wrote about series of harmonious and inharmonious man-woman relations,among which she emphasized the understanding,tolerance and acceptance of man-woman relations and also the admission,respect and equal treatment of various values in objective subjective.Besides,Wan Fang thought highly of human's free and promote to go with the flow.Instead of making stories and no worries of life problems,Wan Fang have well applied her life wisdom of seize the momentum to the loyalty of her own life values.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wan Fang's fiction, writing course, emotional stance, cultural stance
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