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Promotion And Development Of Sheng

Posted on:2018-04-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R C ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sheng is one of the longest national instrumental music in China,with the further development of China's musical art at this stage,Sheng's promotion and development of the status quo has been a lot of musicians and Sheng art workers of the widespread concern.This paper focuses on the promotion and development of Sheng,and makes a detailed study and discussion on the standardization development and popularization of Sheng.In this study,this paper analyzes the results of this survey by investigating the students of Xi'an grassroots public and music college,and based on the results of this survey,deeply studies the development of Sheng,including Sheng's development on the road of history Twists and turns and progress,and the standardization of the development of Sheng,and finally through the analysis of the results of this survey to evaluate the cultural interpretation of Sheng art and cultural heritage content and summed up.The From the results of this survey,the people of Xi'an for the understanding of Sheng is not profound,while Sheng at the present stage of development there are still some problems.Therefore,we need to further clarify the promotion and development of Sheng,understand the cultural heritage of Sheng art,and lay the foundation for further prosperity and culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xi'an, standardized development, cultural heritage
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