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The Study On The Genesis Of Poetry For Painting

Posted on:2018-05-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515489877Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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With the rise of interdisciplinary research in the academic circles,poetry for painting,a literary style as the collision of poetry and painting,has entered into the view of more and more researchers.Its unique literary characteristics and aesthetic values have been fully discussed by scholars and researchers.However,most scholars and researchers focused on the development of poetry for painting in the Tang,Song,Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties,the early generation of poetry for painting did not get enough attention.poetry for painting gestates and sprouts in the Six Dynasties,with their incomplete form and small quantity in this period,a little researchers focus on them.but from the perspective of stylistic generation,the genesis of a literary form often determines its style of existence and future development,so the concern about genesis of poetry for painting is extremely essential.This article chooses genesis of poetry for painting as research subject,discusses the genesis of the poetry for painting,through the discussion,hope to explain the reasonableness of poetry for painting in the Six Dynasties,and has a clear understanding about the significance of poetry for painting's genesis among the whole development of poetry for painting.The introduction part mainly discusses the research status of the poetry for painting's genesis.The study of poetry for painting's genesis is mainly focused on two aspects.First,discussion about the origin of the poetry for painting.Second,the simple summary of poetry for painting's genesis period when combs the development of poetry for painting.The first chapter analyzes the concept and characteristics of poetry for painting.The concept discussion including three parts:the first part discusses the meaning of Chinese word-"ti",put the point that "ti" means inscription as well as watching and evaluation.The second part analyzes and differentiate the literary form of poetry for painting,discuss the difference and similarity between "zan/song"of painting,begging poetry for painting,the poetry used on painting,and Yong poetry for painting,hold the point that "zan/song"of painting and Yong poetry for painting in the six dynasties can be included in "poetry for painting".Finally,define the the narrow conception and generalized conception of poetry for painting.Hold the point that narrow poetry for painting means the poetry be created and wrote on the painting after the writer's watching,while generalized conception of poetry for painting means the poetry describing the painting and created after writer's watching.The characteristics discussion describes poetry for painting from two aspects:content and artistic form of poetry for painting.The discussion on concept and characteristics of poetry for painting lays the foundation for the further research on the genesis of poetry for painting.The second chapter sumnarizes the process of the gestation of the poetry for painting,From the perspective of historical development of the relationship between Chinese characters and images to analyze the change process from the the illustrations of portrait in the Han Dynasty to "zan/song"of painting and yong poetry for painting on fan and screen in the Six Dynasties,hold the point that with a increasingly close relationship between writing and painting,poetry for painting come into being gradually.The third chapter analyzes how the social atmosphere in the Six Dynasties affect the genesis of poetry for painting.Specifically,under the creation atmosphere of singing about and carving on object as well as palace-style poetry and the fusion of literature and painting,literati love and turn their aesthetic sight to the painting and write about the painting,The fourth chapter analyzes how the new development of poetry and painting affect the genesis of poetry for painting.Specifically,writing skill of Yongwu poetry and palace-style poetry as well as landscape painting's enjoying and creating mode and landscape poetry's creating techniques in the Six Dynasties do affect the poetry for painting's genesis.The fifth chapter analyzes aesthetic mental of literati in the six Dynasties from three parts:literati's aesthetic attention,aesthetic imagination and aesthetic personality.Hold the point that the aesthetic mental of literati provides psychological basis and spiritual motive power for creating and writing"poetry for painting".
Keywords/Search Tags:poetry for painting, genesis, the Six Dynasties, aesthetics
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