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A Review Of Study On Strange Tales Of Liaozhai In American Sinology

Posted on:2018-07-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515485090Subject:Chinese studies and sinology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At the end of the 20th century,varied research perspectives and methods were introduced into study on Strange Tales of Liaozhai in America.Interdisciplinary research is the most prominent feature of Liaozhai studies in American Sinology.In the context of the transformation of American Sinology to Chinese studies,it is inevitable to introduce other social science theories and methods into Liaozhai studies.As the representative in document research field,Alian H Barr systematically examined the story origins,the chronological progression of composition and the textual transmission of Liaozhai.He regarded Pu Songling's composition as falling into three phases,having exerted a widespread influence both in China and abroad.With the rise of western social movements,the gender and the identity in Liaozhai began to be noticed.Judith T.Zeitlin,whose in-depth engagement with the text served as a model for the reading of Liaozhai,generalized the phenomenon of dislocations in gender and analyzed the changing attitude of Chinese literary tradition towards this phenomenon.Alian H Barr adventured an opinion that Yingning disguised herself to establish a conventional place in human society,the opinion developed the viewpoints in Chinese scholarship.Kang Xiaofei revealed the fox spirits' desires to be a real human being.Sing-Chen Lydia Chiang thought that Pu Songling wrote novels to seek an alternative self-identity and ease identity crisis.American Sinologists also used a lot other interdisciplinary theories to develop a deeper and broader study.YangRui found the special way to reinter:pret Liaozhaifrom a psychoanalytic point of view.Judith T.Zeitlin explained "The Ethereal Rock"(?????)with the help of the concept of obsession.She adopted the view that animate and inanimate things alike,are capable of sentiment,to describe the rock's obsession to Xing Yunfei.Kang Xiaofei combined the cult of the fox with Liaozhai,putting forward some original and insightful ideas from the view of folklore.Jonathan D.Spence attempted to use the text of Liaozhai while studying Chinese history.The different and featured researchs together constitute a broad picture of Liaozhai studies in American Sinology.Interdisciplinary research perspectives expanded the research field of Liaozhai,yielding remarkable achievements.However,improper use of interdisciplinary research means may lead to certain mistakes such as patternization,digression,intensive theories,understanding difficulties and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:Strange Tales of Liaozhai, American Sinology, Interdisciplinary research
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