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A Study On The Aesthetic Problem Of Micro-era

Posted on:2018-06-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515483801Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the development of digital media today,the development of network technology and the vigorous rise of mobile terminals set off a new era,that is,micro-era.The micro-era is mainly equipped with Weibo,WeChat and other new media platform,their emergence led to a variety of changes in the concept,resulting in a variety of artistic phenomena,and even redefine the new pattern of society,and consequently changed people's daily Way of life,this phenomenon also aroused wide attention of scholars.On the basis of predecessors,this article starts from the aesthetic subject,deep into the aesthetic acceptance of the aesthetic acceptance process,through the analysis of micro-era media and its aesthetic characteristics of the crowd,To clarify the micro-era of contemporary aesthetic impact and impact,and then enrich and improve the study on the micro-era.In the.first chapter,it mainly discusses the technical basis of the micro-era aesthetic,analyzes the relationship between art and technology,starts from the definition of the media platform,analyzes the art of the micro-era technology,and participates in the mass participation and the interactive experience,Carrying more information content and faster transmission speed,to build a network of artistic aesthetics.Its purpose is to prove that the media in depth affect people's daily life,and the role of people's aesthetic psychology,the formation of a wide range of aesthetic experience.In the second chapter,we mainly summarize the aesthetic psychology of people under the micro-era,from the perspective of aesthetic acceptance,in the micro-era all kinds of information surrounded by the text,how people's psychology is how to show,although the herd mentality,Entertainment psychology between the three different,but all together show that the modem aesthetic concept of further changes,people are increasingly concerned about the individual spirit of pleasure experience.The third chapter mainly discusses the art of the micro-era,and sums up the charm of the text of the micro-era itself.The micro-times encourage readers and users to participate in text creation,and even encourage more people to participate in the dissemination of text activities.Weibo,WeChat is a typical representative,from the micro-language,micro-narrative and micro-images and other three aspects of the focus on the analysis of its artistic features,and interpret its aesthetic effect.In the fourth chapter,the author analyzes the aesthetic characteristics of the micro-era,and the reason of the micro-era is different from the information age in the past.It is the two-way information channel and the virtual interaction,which reflects the aesthetic generalization and aesthetic aesthetics Characteristics,and then see it on the future aesthetic existence of the pros and cons of the impact.In the fifth chapter,the author puts forward some suggestions on the reconstruction of the aesthetic order of the micro-era.The highly liberal development of the micro-era has caused a series of artistic problems or aesthetic problems.How to make a reasonable guide to the positive artistic influence has become a problem that we now need to attach great importance to.Only the collection of media people,the audience and the government community in three areas of common strength,in order to make micro-era better development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Micro-era, aesthetic, research
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