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The Ideological Dimension Of Quantity In Marx's View

Posted on:2018-12-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330512991065Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since Tracy put forward the concept of "ideology",the arguments in the field of ideology would never stop.Hegel draw a conclusion that the civil society determined by the state based on the study of the civil society.Marx criticized the speculative idealism of Hegel,revealed the false and hidden features of ideology,and sublated the theory of labor value from classical political economists and the theory of economic harmony from vulgar political economy.Marx proposed a theory that the ideology must adapt to the economic basis by investigating the relation between economic basis and ideology,which analyzed the ideology in the view of historical materialism.In the anonymous ruling of capitalist society,quantity as an abstract concept dominated everybody and everything.Marx complained that people should be a positive element of production factors rather than became indifferent to each other in the 1857-1858 Econorymics Manuscripts,on the other hand,technology as a tool for liberation transferred to enslaved people for its identity.In the field of daily life,production does not identity the power but become the activity for repressing individualities and pursuit more use value.Besides,the gap between production and consumption makes a part of consumer behavior has become a privilege for some certain class.It is the fundamental contradiction led to economic crisis that the socialization of production and private ownership for the means of production.Quantity become ideology based on currency fetishism and capital fetishism.The measure of value enable producers to focus only on the exchange value,which lead monetary represent mental activity.The means of circulation for currency let all commodities exchange in the same scale,as a result,the universal money and world market has become the bourgeois ideology and a practical tool.Marx pointed out that previous economists saw the capital as matter,analyzed property of absolute surplus value and relative surplus value,and pointed out that capital fetishism oppression of slavery workers.Based on the above analysis,Marx remind workers capitalism is not a ideal dimension.They should develop productivity,destruct the tool for slaving labor,realize people all-round development,and let their common social production capacity become subordinate to social wealth based on their the free personality.
Keywords/Search Tags:quantity, ideology, surplus value, capitalism, 1857-1858 Economics Manuscripts
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