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A Practice Consecutive Interpreting Report On The Documentary The Secrets Of Branding

Posted on:2018-12-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D D ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330512988404Subject:English interpretation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
All the brands, no matter famous or not, their major task is to protect their intellectual property rights. The development of brand from nothing is a long journey,which refers to where did they got nutrient, where they got power and where they got protection. In the process of brands' building, especially social, economy, law and system create a fair competition environment for brands' birth and growing. With the translation of branding as a breakthrough point, this paper is an interpreted practice which is based on the material of Secrets of Branding. It sets the performance of Chinese and English in practice as an example to reflect the whole process by listing, analyzing and writing the problems among the process of Chinese and English.Considering the influence of the documentary on the present academia and cultural field, the interpreter needs to think of the comprehensive and specific factors during the process of the interpreting. And there are a great number of difficult preparations which need to be done with consulting much related resources. Based on the interpreting experience, the interpreter would elaborate and summarize those concrete issues such as the skills of translating for those TV programs,reference for the interpretation and combination of those similar subjects.This thesis consists of three parts: introduction, main body and conclusion. Its main contents are as follows:The first part is the introduction, including the process of documentary making and the value of realistic meaning for Chinese brands.The second part is the main body, which is made up of three chapters:Chapter One mainly introduces the task description. In this chapter,it first introduces the background of the Secrets of Branding and the selection of the first episode as well as the skills of interpretation and the skills required in consecutive interpreting.Chapter Two concentrates on the process description. It analyzes the role of pre-preparation stage in the interpreting and the impact of other factors, such as notes,memories, words-preparation, etc. Then the author introduces the process of interpreting and quality control.Chapter Three focuses on the case analysis with the applying of the interpreting skills, the linear and liberal interpretation and notes taking used in the interpreting process. Finally, this chapter talks about the error analysis and strategies for emergency.The last part is the conclusion,which makes a summary of the whole thesis and points out the main purpose of this thesis, which is to improve the quality of the interpretation. Through the analysis and summaries of the whole interpreting process the author collected much precious valuable experience which is very important for the future interpreting work.
Keywords/Search Tags:intellectual property rights, branding, consecutive interpretation, error analysis
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