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Research On Chinese Cultural Security Issues And Countermeasure Under The Western Cultural Hegemony

Posted on:2018-07-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330512987798Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the end of the cold war and the further development of globalization,the international situation tends to ease,peace and development have become the theme of the era,and the relations among the countries of the world are becoming more and more frequent and close.The status of traditional national security,which is represented by politics,economy and military,has declined relatively,while the special status and important role of nontraditional national security,which is represented by culture,are rising.Cultural security has become an unavoidable reality in the world.As an important standard to measure a country's comprehensive national strength,culture has been paid more and more attention by the countries all over the world.Along with the deepening of reform and opening up,China has made great achievements in economic and social development,but culture has failed to keep pace with the development,the cultural field is facing many problems,culture has become an important factor influencing national cultural security in china.The collapse of the Soviet Union and the victory of the cold war,the world situation is almost suddenly turned to the script of "triumph of capitalism",which is directed by the western countries.This makes the western countries headed by the United States have more reasons to believe that their own values and social system has incomparable superiority,so they use the export of cultural products as the main means to implement cultural hegemony,on the pretext of cultural exchange.They tried to push their "universal value" and the social and political system to the whole world,which posed a great threat to the national cultural security of the world.With the rise of China,compared with the western countries,China has a different cultural background and social system,China naturally becomes the first goal of the western countries to implement cultural hegemony.As an important part of national security,national cultural security is the soul of national security.Safeguarding Chinese national cultural security is of great significance to protect the survival and development of the Chinese national culture,to ensure the national security of China.Under the today's complicated domestic and international situations,how to resist Western cultural hegemony and safeguard Chinese national cultural security has become an important issue.Based on the theory of cultural hegemony and national cultural security,in-depth study of the relationship between Chinese national cultural security and the Western cultural hegemony,and the current situation of Chinese national cultural security,by dissecting the main problems of Chinese national cultural security caused by Western cultural hegemony,analyzing and summarizing the experience and lessons of some countries' cultural security policies,I put forward related countermeasures to resist Western cultural hegemony,safeguard Chinese national cultural security.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cultural hegemony, National cultural security, Issues, countermeasure
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