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The Theory Of Rites Of Chuang Tzu

Posted on:2017-07-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330512968827Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
When it comes to the theory of rites of Chuang Tzu, the majority of people believe that Zhuang Zi is against the rite, however, it is not the case if returning to its text. Based on Chuang Tzu text, this thesis focuses on sorting out his theory of rites, making every effort to restore the original features of it. Throughout the book of Chuang Tzu, we can see that Chuang Tzu is not a true dissenter of rites, but of the external form of rites without soul foundation and of the rites limited to the "desire of ears and eyes". At a critical turning point, Chuang Tsu has set up his own theory of rites again and he argues that "Tao" is the metaphysical basis of "rites", and "rites" is the externalization and reflect of "Tao", therefore, "Tao" is the foundation of "rites" and "rites" is the manifestation of "Tao", in which the two is of dialectical unity. In Chuang Tzu, "rites" is the expression of true feelings, and freedom is the fundamental aim of the pursuit of "rites". Hereto, this thesis mainly expounds the following viewpoints from four aspects:Firstly, the thesis starts with the excavation of chaeological evidence of wares on "rites", and the first step is to make an in-depth understanding of the emergence and connotation of "rites". "Rites" is primarily the main media of god-man communication through sacrifice in and before xia-shang-zhou dynasties, a historical change from "rites" of sacrifice to "rites" state management.Under the social background of ritual destruction and music breaks, we will make a thorough inquiry to the theory of Lao Tzu, Confucius and Xunzi from the pre-Qin period. The theory of "rites" of Lao Tzu exerts a far-reaching influence on that of Chuang Tzu. Confucius's "benevolence" and "rites" interact with each other. Then, confucians make too much of the decoration of "rites", leading instrumentalization, and Chuang Tzu has sharply criticized the hypocritical rites of confucian school. Xunzi advocates the thoughts of prospering etiquettes and respecting laws, and related ideas of Chuang Tzu has a profound impact on his theory of "rites".Thirdly, systematic exploration of the theory of rites of Chuang Tzu. This chapter will discuss separately from four parts:criticism of rites by Tao, the real meaning of the avenue of the sequence, rites valued by being free from vulgarity, contacting alone with the spirit ofheaven and earth and so on. Rites of Chuang Tzu seek the pursuit of truth, and rites is the expression of human instinct, without affectation and hypocrisy, and with nature and sincerity, and is the real manifestation of true feelings, which is the rites valued by innocence and being free from vulgarity. To realize the goal of the truth of rites, we need to be naive, that's to say, it's a must for us to forget greediness, to continually purify the heart, to pursue the truth, forget the secular lust, return true temperament by the way of "xinzhai"and "zuowang". Chuang Tzu thinks that only to forget rites and music can we fullfill them, and only true feelings can be called true rites. True rites is not fake and external formalities and ceremonies, but nature flow of humanity and an open and clear world contacting only with the spirit of heaven and earth, at large in the heaven and earth.Fourthly, this chapter will mainly relate and analyze the theoretical influence of the theory of rites of Chuang Tzu towards later generations, such as rites of metaphysics of Wei and Jin, the theory of rites of Song and Ming, and discuss its value in the contemporary world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chuang Tzu, rites, Tao, nature, truth
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