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On Teng Xiaolan's Civic Novel

Posted on:2017-04-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q X TianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330512951214Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since 1990s,with the expansion of the city,citizen grew up to catch the attention of society.Teng Xiaolan based on civil position,created Shanghai public image in the new era about fifteen years,and showed the dilemma and anxiety of contemporary civil society,which is in the big transformation.Then she displayed the public survival philosophy.Her style of writing are warmth and elegant.All of this add another paradigm to the contemporary literature.The thesis analyzes the novels of Teng Xiaolan from the perspective of citizen literature,it is divided into four parts.The introduction combing the recent comments about Teng Xiaolan's novels.Chapter 1 has two sections.First,summing up Chinese citizen novel tradition.Second,the origin of Teng Xiaolan's citizen novel creation is comprehensively analyzed.This paper trying to explore the reasons through her unique childhood experience,Shanghai regional culture characteristics,and the deep influence of commodity economy on literature.Chapter 2 arranges the public survival dilemma reflected by Teng Xiaolan' citizen novels,the outstanding performance are the hardship of women in the workplace,the struggle of urban migrants,the disappointment of the educated urban youth back to the city,the helpless of "hermit".And refining people's survival philosophy in Teng Xiaolan's novels,this is rational and pragmatic,enjoy the adversity,be kindness and practical choice of love and marriage.Chapter 3 summarizes the civic aesthetic pursuit of Teng Xiaolan's citizen novel from four aspects,its language style is plain and poetic,she carefully designed fascinating story mode,narrated the daily life placidly,construct the warm world which people are longing for.Finally,the conclusion part pointed out deficiencies in Teng Xiaolan's novels,and affirms the unique contribution of Teng Xiaolan's citizen novel.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teng Xiaolan, Citzen, Citzen novel
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