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Qihou Wei Calligraphy Research

Posted on:2018-11-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Q HuaFull Text:PDF
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Mr Wei Qihou is China modern and contemporary calligrapher middle distance we are very close to one,in 2009,after the death of Mr.Wei,the social from all walks of life to his research work and growing,posthumous collection published work in 2014 by the shandong provincial party committee,shandong calligrapher's association and other organizations to hold memorial Wei Qihou Mr The 95 th anniversary of the conference held in jinan Wei Qihou exhibition hall,which established the smashing,famous in lives,calligraphy and painting Wei Qihou Sir,the right of reputation.Mr Wei Qihou calligraphy classic artistic language,on the one hand,determining the jin tang yuan have profound traditional capability;Method,on the other hand,since the 20 th century unearthed slips of han dynasty,has a unique innovation consciousness.Mr Wei Qihou calligraphy creation in writing style,character,composition and ink presentation,all break through the former generation of calligrapher's barriers,formed its own unique style.He'll mizi running script and slips of han dynasty,a new system of organic mix and create to made an important contribution to the development of contemporary calligraphy art history.As the leading character in the calligraphy art in shandong,Mr Wei Qihou on contemporary calligraphy development of shandong has important influence,many I cannot get his artistic exploration ZhanGai.His artistic achievements,and got a wide range of social identity,won a good international reputation.This article through to Mr Wei Qihou handed down life,friends,the analysis of the material such as calligraphy,it is concluded that the reasons for the formation of the calligraphy style;By collating the calligraphy features and compared with calligraphy everyone works in ancient China,came to Mr Wei Qihou calligraphy art is unique;Specific analysis of the pen,the succession and development of the structure,composition,ink presentation,allowing Mr Wei Qihou calligraphy art originality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wei Qihou, Thoughts, Style, Literary view
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