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Researching About Inkelements Of Modern Itlustration And Its Application

Posted on:2017-11-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y LiangFull Text:PDF
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With the development of cultural globalization,more and more foreign culture into the domestic and widely spread in such suffering from the impact of cultural background,carry forward the traditional culture is particularly important China.Especially in the field of illustration,with the national characteristics of the more and more favored by people.Therefore,the Chinese ink and wash element,which is a representative form of Chinese traditional culture,has a great influence on the aesthetic image of the Chinese nation and even some of the eastern nations.The Chinese ink elements vivid,rationally and skillfully used in the modern illustration,illustration can enhance traditional culture connotation and national characteristics,and can improve the level of illustration and creator of the cultural quality and cultural label affixed illustration works entered the international arena,the revitalization of the national economy,promoting the modernization of our country has a very important historical significance.As Chinese ink elements of traditional culture and art,combined with modern illustration,most people can trigger the emotional consensus,and promote the development of modern illustration,carry forward the Oriental Chinese culture.In this paper,ink and ink elements are taken as the core elements,and the characteristics of ink and wash art are expounded.This paper demonstrates the development direction and the application methods of the ink and ink elements in the modern illustration.Among them,the second chapter introduces the modern illustration from the origin,development and the development direction of modern illustration.The third chapter is a detailed account of the origin and development of ink elements,and ink,ink strokes from the line,to illustrate the basic elements of ink and color ink element.From the conception,composition,shape,artistic conception of the four aspects,the analysis of aesthetic features of ink and ink elements,analysis of the spirit and the aesthetic taste in the modern illustration,related to study ink elements and modern illustration.According to the analysis of the third chapter of eastern and western modern ink illustration case,explores the practice of ink elements in modern illustration creation,to elaborate the inheritance and innovation of ink elements used in the creation of modern illustration.Finally,combined with the above theoretical achievements,the creation of four themes.Through systematic research,I believe that the traditional ink and wash with modern flavor,and through the art of illustration to the global promotion of China is now one of the direction of the development of ink elements.Ink and ink elements in the creation of modern illustrations need to keep pace with the times,but also need to maintain the spiritual connotation of traditional Chinese art.Ink elements in the composition,color and other aspects of modern illustrations can learn from the part,at the same time,its special texture and texture can also be combined with modern technology to show.However,because of the long history of Chinese ink and ink elements,illustrators need to have a certain cultural heritage and artistic accomplishment in practice,so the illustrator should study its theory extensively and read the literature of relevant analysis extensively and combine it into practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:ink elements, modern illustration, integration, innovation
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