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The Research Of Chinese Idioms Definition Of Chinese-thai Contemporary Dictionary

Posted on:2017-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A H J a r u t h a t ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330503995590Subject:International Education in Chinese
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present the Chinese-Thai contemporary dictionary, in Thailand learning is an authoritative dictionary, but whether this dictionary idioms annotation problems exist, this research will be mainly to discuss idioms interpretation problems of the dictionary. The quantitative and qualitative methods are used to investigate the interpretation of the 114 idioms. This research mainly studies including of the interpretation of terminology and definition methods, emotional meaning and interpretation of illustrative sentence. In order to study the further in term of the contemporary Chinese-Thai dictionary, we select comparative analysis method and studing the Chinese idioms dictionary, mainly divided into semantic changes, emotional changes and illustrative sentence comparison. Based on fundamental research to bring up imperfect point, including of no explanation of letters meaning, no indication of emotional meaning, a few of sentence exemplification. On the interpretation of terminology from idioms dictionary editor structure is almost unity. In term of interpret method is devided into substantive and correlative analysis, which found that the use of Thai translation of idioms, compound words and idioms is worth to study and help learners understanding. In the basic interpretation accuracy is high, but also found the expanding and narrowing words meaning, misinterpretation is not much but need to solve. In the emotional contrast is found that because of language interpretation does not match, so cause emotion changing, lead learners to confused using. In the interpretation sentences, using the simply sentence is easily to second language learners to understand, but whether using the applicability sentence indeed considers to this point.In summary according to the basically research consequence concluding of the evaluation of Dictionary, put forward to the thinking and suggestions for Chinese-Thai dictionary and the next revised edition.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese-Thai contemporary dictionary, idioms interpretation, comparison analysis
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