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An Analysis Of Official Discourse About The Dispute Of South China Sea From The Perspective Of Appraisal Theory

Posted on:2017-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K M ZuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330503966817Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
South China Sea issue is an important issue between China and the neighboring countries.South China Sea dispute has been intensified in recent years, a trend that counters to our national interests. Offical discourse about the South China Sea dispute not only leads the domestic public opinion, but also the most important channel to show the government's position and attitude of the international disputes, which plays a key role in the initiative occupies in the South China Sea dispute discourse.The first part of the article foucuses on the classification of officail discourse,then analyze the feelings and attitudes according to appraisal theory. Then try to use the engagement system to explore how to use the resources involved in consultations with the audience so as to be evaluable and persuasive; then, combined with related pragamtic theories, try to analize the graduation system of the offical discourse to see the strength of the discourse attitude. The conclusion by studying data obtained by combining the different situation of the development of the South China Sea, official discourse research in its discourse topic, word choice, simultaneous analysis of changes over time in different periods summed up about the South China Sea dispute official discourse pattern, as well as gether suggestions for control the discorse power of the South China Sea dispute. Through systematic analysis of official discourse, the most frequently used appraisal resourses are the attitude resourses, followed by engagement and graduation; In general, positive attitude toward the use of resources are more than the negative ones, except for the Foreign Ministry spokesman's discourse.At the same time, we found that the discourse strategy stayed almost the same all these years.
Keywords/Search Tags:the South China Sea, Official Discourse, Appraisal Theory, Pragmatics, Discourse Pattern
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