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A Report On The Translation Of Working Hard And Working Well(Chapter Three And Chapter Four)

Posted on:2017-03-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S FuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis is a translation report on the third and fourth chapters of Working Hard and Working Well, which mainly talks about performance management and how to conduct a seminar. Its writer, Dr. David E.K. Hunter, shares his successful working experiences accumulated in the management of 30 years, during which he helped many company leaders successfully find their North Star at no charge. Guided by his rigorous methods, these leaders understood what they had done and they need, and finally made sure that their behaviors could have a lasting and significant impact on their families.The translation report can be divided into five parts: introduction, analysis of the source text, translation preparation and related theory, translation methods and skills and conclusion. And the fourth part is the core of this report, which describes the translator, under the guidance of the communicative theory of Newmark, uses five translation methods to handle the difficulties in the process of translation.By writing this translation report, the writer has learnt a lot. Firstly, he realizes that it is important for a translator to master some related translation theory and knowledge. Secondly, the translator should take work seriously and should not take words literally. At last, good translation comes from proofreading and a good translator should be patient and continuously revise his works.
Keywords/Search Tags:communicative translation, translation method, target reader
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