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Zay-a Bandida Postscript Poems Study

Posted on:2017-07-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J N M b a l i j i n i m a Full Text:PDF
GTID:2335330491456665Subject:Chinese minority language and literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Zay-a bandida is a famous translator, poet, linguist and religionist of the 17 century in Oirad Mongolian region. He created the TODO and translated from more than 170 Tibetan language works to TODO. These works involve history, language, literature, medicine and calendar, etc.When he translated the Tibetan classics works, he specially wrote postscript poems for some works. This paper firstly introduced the research situation of Zay-a bandida postscript poems, and then comprehensively discussed about these postscript poems's ideological content, artistic features, rhythm and rhetoric, paragraph structure, and the influence on " poem-mirror ".At the same time,the paper discussed the influence on Oirad Mongolian literature, etc.In this paper, except the introduction and reference books, the text consists of three chapters.In introduction section describes the research meaning of this paper. Summarized the overview of domestic and foreign research of Zay-abandida "postscript poems".At the first part:"rsearch situation of Zay-a bandida postscript poems. "This part mainly studies all Zay-a bandida's life and his postscript poems.At the second part:" characteristics of Zay-a bandida postscript poems. " This part mainly studies the ideological content, artistic features and paragraph structure of postscript poems, etc.At the third part:" Zay-a bandida postscript poems influence on'poem-mirror'." This part mainly explained the postscript poems influence on "poem-mirror "and influence of Oirad Mongolian literature.In summary part,mainly about Zay-a bandida the postscript poems statistics, content, artistic features and summarize and comment Zay-a bandida the postscript poems writing characteristic.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zay-a bandida, poems, postscript, influence
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