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The Evolution Of Shuihu Drama Research

Posted on:2016-06-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330488990741Subject:Theater, film and television
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The legends of the Shui Hu Liangshan heroes, has been played a significant role in Chinese Ancient Literatures creation, which has formed a series of literature forms related to the theme of these legends. Chinese Opera, as an important form of Chinese classical literatures, inevitable affected by Shui Hu stories and produced a number of works of Shui Hu. As the product of a certain age and a certain ideology, these Shui Hu plays not only reflect the unique charm, but also provide vivid materials for the studies of ideology and culture at that time, which also can be said an important a fortune in the history of literature of China. To start with the origin and evolution of the Shui Hu stories, the report focuses on three aspects of Shui Hu dramas evolution, the connotation of the thoughts of the artistic expression on the evolution and the status and influences of Shui Hu dramas, trying to find out the profound meaning contained in the process of evolution. This report is divided in for parts:The first part, mainly tells the story of the origin of those Shui Hu stories and the evolution process of Shui Hu dramas. It combs the origin of the Shui Hu dramas and then explains in details of the dramas evolution process, strive to intuitive and comprehensively reflect the origin and development, laying the foundation for the following discussion of dramas thought connotation and the evolution of the artistic performance.The second part discusses the evolution of the Shui Hu plays on the ideological content. It discusses the representative works of Shui Hui plays in the Yuan Dynasty and the popular thoughts it reflected. Moreover, it discusses the Shui Hu plays in Ming dynasty and its performance of aristocratic consciousness. In addition, it discusses the legends of the Ming and Qing dynasties and the literary thoughts it reflected. The discussion of the inheritance and contrast in the three parts interacts each other, which help to explore the Shui Hu plays in thought evolution.The third part explains the evolution of the Shui Hu plays on artistic expression. We can learn from the different stages of the works portray the characters, the story of choreography and language contrast to reflect the nature and fresh in the Yuan Dynasty plays, the dull mediocrity in Ming Dynasty plays and elegant and delicate in Qing Dynasty, which fully demonstrated the evolution of artistic expression on the Shui Hu works.The last part describes the status and art influence of the a Shui Hu plays. Shuihu plays in the history of Chinese literature and history has a high status.Shuihu story gives people a lot of mental stimulationShuihu story made a great contribution to the novel the<HeroesoftheMarshes>...
Keywords/Search Tags:Shuihu palys, spread, evolution, value, meaning
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