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The Chronicle Of Cao Xiuxian's Life

Posted on:2017-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y S HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330488977797Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cao Xiuxian(1708-1784), also known in courtesy names as Bingchi, Dishan, Wenke, was a famous Official, Litterateurs, calligrapher and Couplets writer, and he was one of an outstanding representative of the celebrities of Jiangyou in the Kang Xi and Qian Long in Qing dynasty. He is a wise man who deserves to be studied, no matter we see it from his official experience, literature and Calligraphy, or his friends circle and family. Unfortunately, because of all these years and lack of information, plus all Cao`s works were burned after he`s dead, the related researchs of today are one-sided or vicious, and that`s such a pity. After arranging the materials, I write this chronicle of Cao Xiuxian`s life.This chronicle divided into five parts. The first part is a research result of Cao Xiuxian`s family members. To give expression to the prosperous picture of Cao`s family, this chapter mainly describes the pedigree from his great-grandfather Cao Jianzhi, and we can see the influence on Cao Xiuxian`s study life, official life and his personality. The second part is all about Cao`s study life when he was one to twenty-eight, taking his childhood and study process as a point. The third part tells about the early days of his official life, when he was twenty-nine to forty-five, and tries to find the details about Cao`s experiences of being an examiner and the censor of Zhe Jiang, especially in the big event of Cao Yongzu. The fourth part follows the ups and downs of Cao`s official career, when he was forty-six to sixty-five. The important research point goes to his promotions and achievements of education, examination and people`s livelihood. The last part is about Cao`s later life as the minister of rites when he was sixty-six to his death. This part tells the specifics of a minister`s life and the achievements of rites and education etc.This chronicle is trying to do a detailed study of Cao Xiuxian`s official life, literature, works and friend circle. Based on this study, we can see a famous official of Qing dynasty, Cao`s life track and Spiritual life, even the situation of intellectual group of the reign of Qianlong emperor.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cao Xiuxian, Chronicle, Reign of Qianlong Emperor
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