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Discussion On Mi Fu's "Large And Small" View Of Calligraphy

Posted on:2017-10-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H LiuFull Text:PDF
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Mi Fu calligraphy calligraphy is unique not only in the history of our country,and its achievements in the theory of the book is also very high,often a striking phrase,revealing wisdom shine.The book Thought among the "characters,such as small print,small print,such as characters," a book on the point of view is one of them."Characters such as small print,small print,such as characters," but in reality seemingly contradictory unity."Size" is just the style on the surface,the core or in the pen.To such fine print fine characters,the whole front of potential equipment,wants to be the small print characters like momentum.This paper is divided into four chapters,discusses Mi Fu "word size" View from the following aspects.The first chapter discusses the concept of Mi Fu word size presented background and meaning.Background on Mi Fu proposed size of the word perspective,Mi Fu's book before the House on the "size of the word"little attention and lack of knowledge,such as Ouyang Xiu hold "Xueshu Consumer Day" view,Huang and often "Zen theory book",Yen Chen is considered to write "big promotion small,big exhibition," these theories apparently on the understanding of the size of the word is biased,in practice,the front man for the size of the word written there are also shortcomings.Such as Mi Fu commented:"Ouyang Xun wrote" Tao Temple "no cold thrifty spirit,Liu public rights book" Guoqing "disproportionate size." Mi Fu's calligraphy works a lot of small print.Size is relative,there is no fixed standard.About the Calligraphy Theory "word size" means,divided into two parts,the first is the pen,such as small print characters to prepare full potential front,small print characters have to do the same momentum,pen and downs converted,requirements are the same.On the art of composition,character and word size or else the same.Size of the word according to their amount of strokes to write,avoid characters to promote small,small print large exhibition,arranged as operator.To Lun sizes,each with its shape.The second chapter focuses on the practice of Mi Fu word size View.How to write "characters such as small print,small print,such as characters," calligraphy?From write say,easy to hold a pen,so,wrist can operate freely.Second,we must hang hand,this can be a good use of the force on the nib.About five fingers guarantee written law,Mi Fu is a unique method of writing,from the brush,it should be "no hanging Notations power,no income," which is very critical place Mi Fu brush.There is time to do brush "brush word" characters such as small print front full potential equipment,such as a pen "brush word" can be done cents Wan Qi Li,Feng prepare full potential of natural formation.The third chapter discusses the influence of Mi Fu word size on the later book View home.First home for later interpretation of Mi Fu book "word size" book learning point of view there are many,such as the Southern Song Chen ritual bonfire,he considered "negative Xuan Ye Lu",small print characters have momentum,have a small print characters tortuous.Jiang Kui,"continued the book Spectrum" also said:words to do their state,not to have intended the Senate.Dong Qichang view is to do characters such as small print,small print,such as characters,to the "potential",emphasizing the importance of the "potential" for writing "the size of the word" in.Secondly,with regard to the future generations of calligraphers Mi Fu "word size" in practice,the author selected meters Tomohito,namely the Zhang,Dong Qichang,Wang Duo four calligraphers were analyzed and discussed their Mi Fu "word size"view practice situations.Further the fourth chapter,the author of the book of their own learning experience talking meter for Mi Fu "word size" calligraphy Outlook.Finally come to the conclusion of this article,that book at home when writing characters like to do,such as small print front prepare fall potential,while writing the fine print to do such characters as imposing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mi Fu, calligraphy, characters small print
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