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"Qie Ting Ting" Vegetarian Restaurant Brand Image Design

Posted on:2017-09-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330485476432Subject:Art and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The design practice is entitled "qie ting ting" brand image design vegetarian restaurant,vegetarian food brands "qie ting ting" is the author of a project in his hometown of Kaifeng,Henan.The problem with vegetarian restaurant brand image design for the study,based on Chinese traditional culture,focusing on the essence of the spirit of vegetarian culture,from the spiritual commonness vegetarian culture and the art of calligraphy,the integration of modern design philosophy,aims "qie ting ting" the overall visual image design,promotion of healthy lifestyles promotion.Demand research report,according to the scoping of the design research and design,first,and calligraphy elements related design works for research,through research found that calligraphy elements and design combined,mostly rendering serenity simple,ethereal nature of cultural connotations so that complement each other and calligraphy artistic conception;Secondly,vegetarian restaurant brand image and consumer groups to conduct research,the research found that the visual image of a vegetarian restaurant in the outpouring of the spirit of the natural qualities of the art of calligraphy and consistent.Younger age groups gradually become the main consumer groups vegetarian restaurant,but also pay more attention to the expression of cultural connotation of the brand image.Demand-oriented implementation of research designed to provide entry points and creative expression direction design,design practice decided to start from the spiritual commonness vegetarian culture and Calligraphy.Literature studies,according to the actual needs of the creative design of content,two aspects of the relevant literature theory study.First,the concept of brand image to sort of clear understanding of the subject headings;second,Universalities on vegetarian culture and the art of calligraphy,which advocates a return to natural life.At the same time,he summed up the guidelines for calligraphy elements used in brand identity design-the mention of the "shape" Continued "meaning" Biography "God."Design practice report in detail for the whole process of design practice.Designwork from the spiritual commonness vegetarian and Calligraphy start,the design method before using calligraphy elements of the text research as a guide,the integration of modern design concepts,using production methods hand-drawn and computer software,the combination of the overall performance of the synthesis,the hand-painted works importing images processing software improve and redesign.Through a series of attempts early in the draft has been completed level design ideas will be adjusted again,and finally completed the "qie ting ting" vegetarian restaurant brand designed to meet the needs of young consumers,the market is expected to use.The practice in the market for "qie ting ting" vegetarian restaurant brand needs image design of oriented,based on China's traditional culture,blending modern design concept,highlighting vegetarian culture spiritual core,the conclusion of the study of calligraphy elements apply to "qie ting ting" vegetarian restaurant brand design.From a business perspective,focusing on the expression of cultural connotation of design work,giving "qie ting ting" vegetarian restaurant with renewed vigor,and enhance market competitiveness.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vegetarian, Calligraphy Elements, Spirit, Modern Design, Brand Image Design
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