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My Emotional Expression To The Land In The Creation Of Landscape Oil Painting

Posted on:2017-04-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Landscape paintings are deeply rooted in the artist's own emotional nature into them, and through the creation of skilled techniques and accumulated experience complete. Emotional expression is an important part of the landscape oil painting. In my landscape oil paintings, always looking for emotional entry point picture. The language of painting through continuous exploration and practice, coupled with growing experience, I found my fit picture of the point, that is me to support my northern land. This piece of land I have deep feelings, through the creation of landscape painting to express my feelings for the land is great research value and meaning. In this paper, I express emotion on the land as a starting point, be discussed in three parts. First, a simple sort of history of art and artists to express their feelings through their works depicting the land; secondly, specific examples of Chinese contemporary land as the drawing object painter; Finally, after analyzing the first two parts,explained in my landscape oil painting how to express my feelings for land.The author hopes to land and human understanding of the relationship to express the author's feelings. The use of brush strokes,color and texture to the screen to create a space full of organic, thoughtful hosts OF landscape oil paintings.
Keywords/Search Tags:Landscape painting, land, emotional, creative graduation
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