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Late Ming Jesuit's Comments On Buddhism

Posted on:2017-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330485458281Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the late Ming period,Western Catholicism spread to China again by Jesus,opened a new era of comprehensive communication between Chinese and western cultures.Research on the spread of Catholicism in China late Ming dynasty has a long history,focused on Confucian culture system and the Catholic culture system of communication and conflict,however,Chinese culture is not limited to the Confucian culture,including Buddhism,Taoism and related culture.The related research is less about Catholics and representations of Buddhism in late Ming dynasty,there are still many problems have to be further mining.Late Ming Jesuit understanding of Buddhism is embodied in their works and letters,the existing historical data communication between Chinese and western culture in late Ming dynasty and several outside recently released by the Catholic literature in Ming and Qing dynasties,provided the condition for the research of this problem.This article selects Jesuits works in late Ming dynasty's comments on Buddhism as the research object.Through literature,the Jesuits understanding of Buddhism in this period were analyzed.The article is divided into four parts: the first chapter Ruggieri on Buddhism books and statements,analysis Ruggieri and Jesuits early understanding of Buddhism.The second chapter mainly introduces the Ricci on Buddhism books and statements,Matteo Ricci inheritance Ruggieri period existing ideas about the criticism of Buddhism,etc,and from the perspective of many of the new criticism of Buddhism,Jesuits established into China's comments on Buddhism framework.The third chapter mainly introduces during and after the Nan Jing lesson plans do Matteo Ricci adaptive strategy of Pantoja and Vagnone,Semedo,three on Buddhism's comments,analysis of Nan Jing lesson plan after the stress of the situation about Buddhist rhetoric effect on them.The fourth chapter introduces Aleni slightly "three mountain theory,and the mouth priests,copy,comments on Buddhism,at the end of Ming dynasty analysis Jesuits comments about Buddhism.Late Ming Jesuit's comments on Buddhism development has experienced four stages roughly: the first stage is Ruggieri,borrow "west monk" identity,but claimed that is different from Buddhism;The second phase was a period of Matteo Ricci,began to fill "Confucianism,Buddhism";After the third stage is the Nan Jing lesson plans,represented by Pantoja,Vagnone and Semedo,Jesuit group of Buddha's words and deeds to change;Finally Aleni slightly period,extended Ricci group of framework,by the Buddha.Late Ming Jesuit understanding of Buddhism,has experienced from the one-sided,from Japan ministry by understanding of Buddhism,the independent thinking about the nature of politics,economy,culture,under the background of China Buddhism and status,to the understanding of Buddhist basic mature,stable development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Late Ming, Jesuits, Buddhism, Comments
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