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The Research On Buzhantai Of Ula

Posted on:2017-11-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330485457057Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Before Qing Dynasty went into the central plains,Buzhantai was a active historical figure similar as Nurhachu,he was a national hero of Jurchen.Buzhantai became a prisoner in Guleshan War at Wanli 21 years(1593),and he was enslaved by Nurhachu until Wanli 24 years(1596),Nu helped him become “the king of Ula”.Then,Buzhantai began the rise journey of Ula.He found his personal wisdom and courage to develop Ula in complex pattern at the Northeast region.He used“surface warm heart envy”to treat Nurhachu.On one hand,he used five marriages with Jurchens of the Jianzhou to develop his own strength;On the other hand,he joint Nurhachu hostile forces to fight and achieve self-preservation even led to four wars occurred.Because Nurhachu became a powerful obstacle for Buzhantai,so he began to attack Fanhu of Korea.On one hand,he attacked Fanhu with force;On the other hand,he continued to put forword political and economic demands from Korea to aim be powerful.But Nurhachu did not give the opportunity to Buzhantai,He used four wars to fail Buzhantai.Ula perished and Buzhantai fleed to Yehe.Despite this fact,Buzhantai make his own contribution to build Jurchen national community.He shortened the time of Nurhachu's success.
Keywords/Search Tags:Buzhantai, Nurhachu, Jurchens of the Jianzhou, Korea, surface warm heart envy, fight for Fanhu
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