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Dance Mix, Picturesque Works

Posted on:2016-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W L YangFull Text:PDF
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Dance and Tai Chi in many places had in common, Chinese classical dance and Tai Chi are based roots in the soil of Chinese traditional culture. The term "Tai Chi" first appeared in the Qin advent of "Book of Changes", Taiji culture and long history, brings together the essence of the wisdom of our people, is rich in culture, through Chinese classical dance and drama lessons, martial arts and after the extraction, processing, forming a a complete system, the unique style of our inner and external performance, it enduring. Tai Chi and cultural connotation of Chinese classical dance are closely linked, not only to go out in this connection of firmness and flexibility, static and dynamic binding, but also reflects the inherent charm. This article is to ponder Chinese classical dance and Taiji interconnected, through the work "Shui Yi" on the aesthetic value of dance and martial mastery and analyze the whole works.This paper consists of three parts, the first part, from the cultural dimension of dance and martial elaborate, through the inner essence of yin and yang, round use, dance and martial cultural connotation and similarities elaborate; the second part, the author around the dance analysis and martial mastery, respectively, from the motion analysis, stage composition, the use of props, music and choreography four aspects of detail and try to analyze the works from the action, composition and other aspects; the third part, from the aesthetics of both mood and charm elaboration of work "Shui Yi". The author is through the work "Shui Yi" Reflections on Chinese classical dance and Tai Chi contacting, from which summed up his own opinion related, but also further deepened the mutual influence of two cultures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese classical dance, tai chi, works "Shui Yi"
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