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Clinical Observation On The Effect Of The Pulp Cavity Onlay Make By The Digital Chairside For The Restoration Of The Defect Of Teeth

Posted on:2018-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F QiFull Text:PDF
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Objective: The purpose of the study was the use of Cerec AC chairside immediately all ceramic restoration system design and manufacture of pulp cavity onlay,used to repair the posterior dental defects after the root canal treatment,and observation and analysis its clinical repair effect.Methods: This study used Sirona company Cerec AC chair immediately all ceramic restorat-ion system to make 106 cases of pulp cavity onlay.The patients were selected by my phy-sicians perfect root canal therapy,after tooth preparation,the design of scanning,using Cerec AC chair side immediately all ceramic restoration system in the mouth,grinding and production of feldspathic ceramics block,the wear,after the immediate bond.All cases were followed up for 2 years,and used to evaluate and evaluate by USPHS,completed by the pati-ent satisfaction questionnaire;106 cases incloud endo-onlay 69 cases and endo-overlay37 cases,measurement of all 106 repair body measurement function using Cerec AC design soft-ware,the measurement of each pulp cavity onlay decent minimum thickness,and divided into less than 1mm group,1mm-1.5mm group and than 1.5mm group;69 cases of dental pulp making wall to retain some onlays,measuring the minimum thickness of the left abut-ment the tooth wall,and divided into less than 1.5mm group,1.5mm-2mm group,than in the 2mm group,and statistical follow-up of failure cases,using SPSS 24 statistical software for analysis,.Results: In this study,the two-year successful rate of 106 all ceramic onlays was 92.5%.Am-ong them,the two-year successful rate of all ceramic endo-onlay was 92.8%,and the two-year successful rate of all ceramic endo-overlay was 91.9%.The failure of the 8 cases,the fall of restoration in 3 cases,4 cases of fractures of the restoration,the abutment fracture in 1 cases.Repair body fracture cases restoration thickness of 1mm group of 3 cases,restoration thickness of 1mm-1.5mm group of 1 cases,restoration thickness greater than 1.5mm group without fracture occurred;abutment fracture in the remaining teeth wall thickness is less than 1.5mm group without tooth fracture,1 cases in 1.5mm-2mm group,2mm groupno too-th fracture occurrence.According to the 105 restorations in this study were used to evaluate the modified USPHS criteria,the result of 2 years of visible after repair,Endo-onlay ma-rginal fit to A standard accounted for 97%,the B standard was 3%;the restoration integrity reached the standard of A accounted for 97%;the B standard was 3%;gingival health reach-ed A the standard account for 96%,reached the standard of B accounted for4%;edge stain-ing reached the standard of A accounted for 97%,reached the standard of B accounted for 3%.Endo-overlay marginal fit to A standard accounted for 92%,the B standard was8%;the restoration integrity reached the standard of A accounted for 92%;the B standard was 8%;gingival health reached the standard of A accounted for 92%,reached the standard of B acc-ounted for 8%;edge staining reached the standard of A accounted for 97%,up to B the sta-ndard account for 3%.Patient satisfaction with the repair results seen in 94% of the patients were satisfied with the overall restoration,of which 73% patients are very satisfied;in the restoration shape,color,comfort and cost,patients on the use of comfort of the highest satis-faction,90% of the patients felt very satisfied.Conclusion: Cerec AC system design and manufacture of pulp cavity onlay,used to repair the posterior dental defects after the root canal treatment,the clinical effect is reliable and the patient satisfaction is high.Feldspathic ceramic repair decent thickness should be more than 1.5mm,the abutment wall thickness on the residual teeth repair success rate had no effe-ct on the short-term.
Keywords/Search Tags:endo-onlay, endo-overlay, dental restoration, clinical effect
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