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Research On New Model Of Heilongjiang Psychosis Service And Management

Posted on:2017-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2334330533468957Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,psychos is makes trouble frequent ly,endangering the socia l order.It is becoming a prominent problem in the fie ld of public secur ity governance.O n the one hand,medica l assistance for the psychos is is not strong,lack of resources and securit y,unable to meet the needs of the communit y.O n the other hand,involuntary med ical treatment procedures have loopholes,and the relevant regulat ions are more general.Especia lly trouble making psychosis service and manage ment is more sensit ive,the tradit io nal model of gover nance can't solve the proble m effective ly.Therefore,in modern mult ip le gover nance society,use comprehens ive ma nage ment t hink ing w it h C hinese characterist ics,and active ly explor ing a new psychosis go vernance model,is not only jud icia l authority to respond the pub lic concern,but also a realist ic proble m need to be solved in modernizat ion of natio nal go vernance.From case of An Libo,these papers sums up the troub lemak ing psychosis characterist ic affects,and analyze present situat ion as well as ma in proble ms.In contrast to presentation menta l healt h services at home and abroad,this paper put forward a more systemat ic model o f Heilongj iang psychos is service and mana geme nt.This paper argues that tradit iona l model of psychosis service and mana geme nt exists lack of fa mily supervis ion,treatment not t imely,work responsib ilit ies unc lear,inadequate protection,and so on.It has emerged the phenomeno n that everyone has respons ib ility,no one wants to do,and nobody can do it.The effect of governa nce is poor.The paper pointed out that we must build a new model of menta l patient service manage ment,fro m the establis hment of menta l hea lth service network,psychosis manage ment network,perfect laws and safety nets in three dimens ions.Thro ugh cooperative governa nce of mult ip le subjects,we can improve the treatme nt and ma nage ment rate fundame ntally.O ur work put forward the concrete suggestion,and provide a useful reference in psychos is service ma nage ment.
Keywords/Search Tags:psychosis, service and manage ment, new model
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