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Chinese Medical Team In Morocco

Posted on:2018-05-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:BOUABID NAJIBFull Text:PDF
GTID:2334330518473311Subject:To learn Chinese
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The studies concerning China and Morocco relations has been flourishing as both countries bilateral relations developed especially in the past year after the visit of the King of Morocco to Beijing to extend the level of cooperation in many fields.Having said that,many of the studies would tackle such topic through the economical side in which China is known for;however,these topics would rarely tackle the medical cooperation between the two countries;which is the main content of this research.The medical cooperation between China and Morocco has existed for more than four decades through the Chinese Medical Team as their main responsibility is to fill in the void within Moroccan hospitals in different regions through the country.The Chinese medical aid is considered as one of the first historical symbols of the bilateral relation between the two countries;in other words,this research is concerned with the study of one of the foundation stones to the China Morocco relation.The Chinese medical team is a vital part of the medical aid program that China offers to many countries.This study brings to light the types of aid offered by China to Morocco in the form of the Chinese medical team mainly,offering medical equipments and other medical short term programs from which the study takes the“Bridge” project as an example.The Chinese Medical Team,as one of the first portray of goodwill from China to Morocco,holds a heavy weight within the past,present and future of the bilateral relation of the two countries.Unfortunately there have not been many studies concerning the current topic which could be seen as a lack of recognition toward a firm symbol of the Chinese aid which has and still prevents Morocco from an enormous medical crisis as the health system suffers from the lack of staff within local hospitals.It is also vital to give a representation of the Chinese doctors' life in Morocco in both personal and professional levels.This study,though written from a Moroccan perspective,includes Chinese doctors' voices in addition to representing the major problems that could be found in their personal and professional lives.As well as such,the main importance of this research is to provide its readers with comprehensive details on the extent of the responsibilities of the Chinese doctors and their achievements throughout their mission plus the obligations of both Moroccan and Chinese governments toward them.Medical help was founded by the Chinese doctors' arrival and are vital to keeping a firm relation in medical cooperation between the two countries.This research is concerned by the study of the Chinese doctors mission in general;in other words,this research studies the type of aid they bring to Morocco,their affiliations with Moroccans on their personal and professional levels;also their problems at work which may result in having the Chinese delegation interfere to protect the Chinese doctors as there have been many complaints of the Chinese doctors about the Moroccan doctors not showing up for work which results in having the Chinese doctors working extra shifts.Still,The Chinese medical team presence in Morocco is proof of the stable relations between the two countries,despite these minor issues which the Chinese delegation deals with.The research does analyze and bring a historical background to the bilateral relation through focusing on the medical cooperation field.It is also important to mention that this study does look over the interests of China and whether this medical aid is part of a certain soft power or good will.As well as such,The Chinese medical aid,in general,have always speculated as part of the Chinese soft power to spread influence for personal gain.This study,through providing historical facts in addition to examining the responsibilities of the medical team will concern itself on the type of influence.Speaking of which,the study is also concerned with the analysis of the possibility of a “China Model” within the Moroccan health system through the medical team assistance.China model has been included as part of this research to make clarification on the Chinese interests in helping other nations and whether this sort of help is part of a soft power,in this case Morocco.The integration of Chinese doctors within Moroccan system does raise a potential of having the Moroccan system learning from the Chinese health system.Last but not least,this research importance is also personal as it is thanks to the Chinese medical team that I was able to learn Chinese in addition to being able to make it to China as to have the chance to give them a small recognition for the aid to my county and to me.Research Methods:Interviews: Due to the lack of readings concerning the topic,this research is mainly based on interviews with people within the Chinese and Moroccan sides.This includes a the delegate of the ministry of health in the province of Errachidia in Morocco,a local nurse and a couple locals in touch with the Chinese medical team in addition to my personal experience with them;in addition to a Chinese volunteer who has served in Morocco as a translator and a coordinator in hospitals in Morocco,within the medical team delegation as well as being part of the temporary medical programs within the country Dr.Liao Yuebing.Articles: The research has also made use of interviews from journals with other Chinese medical team members in addition to other articles relating so it can be represented from different angles.Readings: As for the readings,governmental records concerning the medical situation of the country in Morocco were provided as to give a general introduction and explain the need of the medical team in addition to whether there Morocco could learn from the Chinese experience.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese Medical Team, China Morocco Relations, Chinese Medical Aid, China Model
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