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The Survey Rearch On The Posttraumatic Growth And Its Influential Factors In The Breast Cancer Inpations

Posted on:2017-06-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q JiaFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objectives The purpose of this thesis to investigate the status of posttraumatic growth(PTG) and to analyze the influencing factors in inpatients with breast cancer.Methods 350 subjects who were surgery of breast cancer were recruited with a minimum of 3 month after diagnosis in the People's Hospital, the North China University of Science Technology Affiliated Hospital and the Gongren hospitals of Tangshan from July 2014 to February 2015. investigating with questionnaire, including General Information Survey of Breast, Cancer Inpations(includeage, marriage, educational level, family residence, profession economy, sick time, clinical stage), PTGI, CD-RISC, SUPPH, TAS-20, PCL-C, HHI. All date were established with EXCEL and analysised with SPSS17.0 package.Results 1 The level of PTG with breast cancer patients in hospital: The average score of the PTG for 224 breast cancer patients is(63.74±13.00). The score range from 18 points to 92 points. The patients' overall level of PTG is at the middle level. The medium hope levels have 238 cases(68%). The interpersonal areas get the highes with(24.49±5.05) points, whereas the mental change areas get the lowest with.(3.84±1.91) points. 2 The influencing single factor analysis of PTG of hospitalized patients with breast cancer: 1) Analysis of five aspacts of PTGI show that:(1) Scores of interpersonal relationship were significants in marriage, family residence, personality type, increasing exercise, clinical stage, sick time, retaining breast, Treatment stage, family relationships, status with or without children, family and social support, CD-RISC, subjective distress of demographic, HHI, SUPPH, TAS-20 and SPSS(P ? 0.05);(2) Scores of new possibilitie were significants in family residence, educational level, profession, personality type, increasing exercise, sick time, retaining breast, treatment stage, economy, family relationships, status with or without children, family and social support, CD-RISC, HHI, PTSD, subjective distress of demographic, SUPPH, TAS-20 and SPSS(P ? 0.05);(3) Scores of personal strength were significants in personality type, increasing exercise, clinical, stage, sick time, retaining breast, family relationships, status with or without children, CD-RISC, HHI, PTSD, subjective distress of demographic, SUPPH, TAS-20 and SPSS(P?0.05);(4) Scores of spiritual change were significants in family residence, educational level, profession, personality type, increasing exercise, sick time, retaining breast, treatment stage, family relationships, Family and social support, CD-RISC, HHI, PTSD,subjective distress of demographic, SUPPH, TAS-20, and SPSS(P?0.05);(5) Scores of appreciation of life were significants in marriage, family residence, profession, increasing exercise, sick time, retaining breast, economy, health care, family relationships, status with or without children, CD-RISC, HHI, subjective distress of demographic, SUPPH, TAS-20 and SPSS(P?0.05); 2) Total scores of the PTG were significants in family residence, educational level, profession, personality type, increasing exercise, clinical stage, sick time, retaining breast, treatment stage, economy, health care, family relationships, status with or without children, family and social support, CD-RISC, HHI, PTSD, subjective distress of demographic, SUPPH, TAS-20 and SPSS(P?0.05); 3 The influencing multiple factors analysis of PTG of hospitalized patients with breast cancer: 1) Analysis of five aspects of PTG show that:(1) influencing factors of interpersonal relationship were in turn: HHI, personality, type, PTSD, CDRISC;(2) influencing factors of new possibilitie were in turn: HHI, CD-RISC, SUPPH, TAS-20, increasing exercise, family relationships, treatment stage;(3) influencing factors of personal strength were in turn: HHI, SUPPH, increasing exercise, personality type, CD-RISC, sick time;(4) influencing factors of spiritual change were in turn: HHI, CDRISC, sick time, profession;(5)influencing factors of appreciation of life were in turn: HHI, PTSD, sick time, family residence; 2) According to the total scores of PTG: HHI, SUPPH, increasing exercise, TAS-20, PTSD, family relationships, CD-RISC, subjective distress of demographic, sick time, personality type and retaining breast are influence factors of PTG.Conclusions 1 A higher proportion of breast cancer patients in hospital with mild level of PTG, the PTG status in a medium level. 2 Multiple factors analysis showed that factors associated with the total scores of PTG were: HHI, SUPPH, PTSD, CD-RISC, TAS-20, increasing exercise, family relationships, subjective distress of demographic, sick time, personality type, retaining breast, are influence factors of total scores of the PTG. profession, family residence and treatment stager are influence factors of individual fields.
Keywords/Search Tags:breast cancer, posttraumatic growth, influencing factors
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