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Advanced Research Of Coronoid Fractures

Posted on:2017-12-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y CaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ulna coronoid process fractures are usually a part of compound injury, and each kind of fracture has the corresponding damage mechanism and the treatment method. Tip fractures usually correspond with terrible triad of the elbow, the so-called terrible triad of the elbow because it is prone to redislocation and subluxation,repaired the tip frctures with a suture lassoing tecnology along with repair or replacement of the fractured radial head and the lateral collateral ligament,avoid long time external fixation of elbow join; Anteromedial fractures usually associated with varus posteromedial rotational force, and often combined with the injury of the lateral collateral ligament, so repaired of the lateral collateral ligament long with the fixation of the fracture is the key to the treatment; Basilar coronoid fractures are usually part of an olecranon fractures and are usually repaired with 1 or 2 plates and screws,and the external fixator can be used to enhance the stability of the elbow. The surgeon should rationally develop and choose different types of surgery approach and fixation methods for patients,to achieve different damage types has individualized treatment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Elbow joint, Coronoid process, Classification, Treatment, Anatomy
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