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Investigation And Application Analysis Of Ground Cover Plants Of Five Parks In Changchun

Posted on:2018-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D W ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2323330536471331Subject:Garden Plants and Ornamental Horticulture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ground cover plants are widely used in ecological construction,landscape design and urban greening because of their unique advantages.Changchun City,which is located in the hinterland of the northeastern plains of China,has a rich temperate continental climate that brings abundant plant resources to Changchun City.With the development of the past few years,the ground cover plants are visible in Changchun.In this paper,the field investigation of five plants in Changchun City(Changchun Park,Animal and Plant Park,Children's Park,Nanhu Park and Sculpture Park)was carried out.The statistical analysis was carried out to analyze the genus,Application form,application location,configuration,ornamental,growth type,frequency of application,etc.,to the Changchun City park ground cover plant application evaluation and its existing problems put forward three points,the specific results are as follows:1.A total of 31 species,64 genera and 80 species of plants with ground cover effect and height below 1 m were found in the study of plant species in five parks in Changchun City,Changchun.Overall plant variety,but specific to each type of application the park is not much compared to most parks Changchun plant species other parks,but also only 27 species of plants and animals as the theme park to plant only 23 kinds,application of types of plants and plant landscaping lack of aesthetic theory and theory contrary to the gardens.2.Through the investigation and analysis of the composition of winter plant species in Changchun 5 parks,it is found that there are 46 species of 38 genera and 22 genera in the Changchun Garden.Although the total number of plants can be more winter,but divided into less than the type of each park,the largest animal and plant park only 9 families 12 genera and 17 species;plant type,35 species of herbaceous plants,the total 78.3%,which are 6.5%,8.7% and 4.3% of the total,respectively.The vegetation of the park caused the instability of the park ecosystem,which was not conducive to the landscape of the park.Will increase the park's conservation costs.3.The analysis of the ecological index of five parks in Changchun City shows that the species of five parks in Changchun is too concentrated and does not conform to the ecological concept of landscape.The number of dominant populations of five parks in Changchun is different.Plant species rich the highest,and the distribution is more uniform,singularity lower.Animal and plant park plants are set up more reasonable than the other four parks,the ecological balance.Nanhu Park plant species concentration,low population richness,the park's ecosystem fragile.4.Based on the investigation and analysis of the frequency and application frequency of the plant species in Changchun 5 parks,it was found that although there were 32 species of native plants,there were 14 kinds of alien plants,accounting for 30.4% of the total It is clear that the five parks in Changchun have little application to native plants,and the development of native plants should be increased.In the application frequency,the high frequency plants are less and the low frequency plants should be the most reasonable.Is dominated by intermediate plants.5.From the study of the quantitative characteristics of terrestrial plants,it can be seen that the wintering plants used in Changchun Park dominate the herbaceous ground cover plants,mainly purple calyx hostel,Hemerocallis fulva,lily of the valley,blue Iris,Iris,Trifolium pratense,sandy dominance,fallen bride,petrol and other 16 species of plants are only one or two parks in the cultivation,has not been widely used,these plants should be in the future application To be taken seriously.6.It can be seen from the study of the application area of overwinter-covered winter plants,and the species in the unit area of the wintering plants is relatively small.In contrast to the five parks,the South Lake Park is at least the ecological balance of the park environment Extremely unfavorable,and landscape design concept is not consistent.Jinhuahuan Hemerocallis and Purple calyx Hosta in various parks are a large number of applications,in Changchun City Park to be the total number of plant applications on the dominant,the application area of 50 m2 or more,and their own park also has an absolute advantage,we can see,Changchun City,the park can be winter winter plant greening in the green building is mainly dependent on the Golden Dolls Hemerocallis,purple calyx Hosta and other plants.This is in the landscape and ecological theory is extremely unreasonable,should be a variety of plant combination applications to meet the requirements of ecological balance and stability.7.In Changchun five parks can be observed in winter plants were observed in the study,Changchun five park green space application of the foliage can be more winter plants,sculpture park up to only 7,Changchun Park,only one,In addition to purple leaves of Berberis is the red leaves of plants,the other nine are green.This is not only caused by the monotonous landscape,the park's ecological fragility,especially in the long winter,to be the lack of this layer is the impact of the landscape landscape effect.Coupled with the flowering plants are concentrated in the flowering period between April and October,from December to March no flowers can be wintering plants by the flowering,resulting in the period of time the park color monotonous,the whole is not reasonable.Thus affecting the overall aesthetic design of the park,resulting in seasonal fluctuations in the park landscape,do not meet the aesthetic concept of the park landscape.8.wintering grounds may be applied the way the plant survey analysis found that five of Changchun City park in Changchun City,the five parks are extensive use of analog lines were landscaping,such as the purple calyx Hosta,dolls Hemerocallis gold,almost every block Green space are using them,this approach caused the park landscape is relatively simple,lack of change and new ideas;biological community is very unstable,easily infected with pests and diseases,the technical requirements of conservation is relatively high.Changchun City park is diverse to be wintering configuration plant applications,but in the three-dimensional landscape structure,understory vegetation lacks serious,greatly undermined the garden beauty,but also the lack of embellishment of some garden ornaments,appear relatively isolated,single structure view.
Keywords/Search Tags:Park, vegetation, Species investigation, garden construction
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