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Effects Of Plant Hormones On Grape Photosynthetic Characteristics

Posted on:2016-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S P XinFull Text:PDF
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Taken the grape cultivar 'Shine Muscat' as the material,by using the binomial r egression,rectangular hyperbola model,non-rectangular hyperbolic model,rectangu lar hyperbola correction model and exponential function model to fit light response c urves of 'Shine Muscat' fruit adjacent leaves in normal conditions and after treatment with CPPU respectively,compared the differences of fitting light response curves a nd the related parameters to find the most suitable fitting method of light response curve.It could be seen by comparing the differences of 5 kinds of fitted curve and t he related parameter to the measured values.Comparative analysis results showed that the non rectangular hyperbola model is the most suitable light response curve fittin g method of fruit adjacent leaves under normal conditions and after treatment with CP PU.Taken the grape cultivar 'Shine Muscat' as the material,the effect of the com bination of GA3 and CPPU on the light-response curves in the fruit adjacent leaves and fruit quality were investigatedtwo weeks after blossoming.The experimental res ults showed that non rectangular hyperbolic model is more suitable for'Shine Musca t'fruit adjacent leaves light response curve fitting.Pn and Gs of fruit adjacent leaves among all treatments increased during high light intensity under the combination tre atment concentrations of 25 mg·L-1 GA3 and 5?10?15?20 mg·L-1 CPPU respectiv ely,but Ci decreased.Fruit quality increased with the increase in concentrations of CPPU under the combination treatment concentrations of 25 mg·L-1 GA3 and 5.10?15 mg·L-1 CPPU respectively.The increasing of Pn and Gs and the decreasing of Ci under the combination treatment concentration of 25 mg·L-1 GA3 and 20 mg·L-1 were higher than that under the combination treatment concentration of 25 mg·L-1 GA3 and 15 mg·L-1 CPPU,but the fruit quality under the combination treatment c oncentration of 25 mg·L-1 GA3 and 20 mg·L-1 were lower than the combination trea tment concentration of 25 mg·L-1 GA3 and 15 mg·L-1 CPPU.The above results sho wed that Optimised CPPU treatment concentration improved fruit adjacent leaves phot osynthetic ability and fruit quality.Too high concentration made the fruit quality lo wer.The combination of GA3 and CPPU treatment concentration of 25 mg-L-1GA3 +15 mg-L-1 CPPU was most appropriate two weeks after blossoming.Taken the grape cultivar 'Shine Muscat' as the material,the effects of different concentrations of cytokinins(CPPU)treatment on leaf photosynthetic characteristics a nd fruit ABA synthesis related genes VvNCEDl and Vv?G1 expression influence.The results showed that with the increase of CPPU concentration,the leaves net photosyn thetic rate,stomatal conductance increased significantly and the intercellular CO2 cone entration decreased.CPPU treatment increased the photosynthesis of leaves and branche s with the distance from the fruit leaf photosynthesis to the increase of the distance fro m the impact,but the upper leaves not affected by the changes of fruit treated with CP PU.Expression of Vv?G1and VvNCED1 Related gene with ABA in pulp and the fles h of the pericarp increased,but decreased the expression of Vv?G1 in peel.
Keywords/Search Tags:grape, light-response curve, fruit quality, gene expression
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