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John F.C. Turner And Contemporary Self-help

Posted on:2018-06-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q XuFull Text:PDF
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"Self-built" evolution of the source,its updated practice accumulated a lot of experience.In this paper,through the practical work and academic thought of the driving force "John FC Turner" in the course of its evolution,this paper integrates Turner's work and academic integration into the historical evolution,status significance and development course of self-Build "concept in the world to play a role in promoting the housing sector.In China's rapid urbanization process,the total housing construction increased year after year.In recent years,by the development of market economy,the impact of large-scale urban and rural construction,the traditional urban and rural self-built housing regional,diversity and complexity weakened,urban illegal construction,shantytowns development.At the same time,due to the lack of design methods,the lack of system control,resulting in many difficulties in urban and rural construction.The following studies hope to help with these plight solutions:(1)Turner in the international self-built housing areas of practical experience one by one combing,outlined its work in foreign self-built projects in the rich experience,summed up its international ideas.(1945-1957),Turner came into contact with an anarchist and Patrick Geddes' writings and was engaged in related theoretical research;the second stage(1957-1965),when he joined Peru at the national level,(1965-1988),Turner left Peru,served as university faculty and international housing consultant,put all his energy into self-built theoretical work;(2)combing Western countries Self-built housing evolution path.(1900 to 1930)to a war as a self-built housing in the history of the watershed,the national authorities widely used self-help strategy,as a solution to the shortcomings of the post-war dilemma.Patrick Geddes first mentioned the self-built housing strategy in the documents submitted to Indor in 1918;the second stage(1940s to 1950s),the United States and the United Nations,as representatives,responded positively to self-built housing.Crane,Atkinson and Weissman constitute the framework of international housing policy;the third stage(1960s and 1970s)to participate in the Third World with international organizations headed by non-governmental organizations,the World Bank and international aid organizations National shantytowns,upgrading projects.Led by Turner to change the way professionals participate in the urban environment of developing countries in the building environment.The fourth stage(from the 1980s to the present)has emerged a series of modernism,self-built,neoclassicalism,new Marxism,neoliberalism,sustainable developrment City and global sports.(3)to study foreign self-built,including self-built housing project policy,theoretical level of management and control.Turner's "bottom-up”theory of construction has changed the way government and related institutions implement paternalistic management of traditional self-built housing.On this basis,thinking about how the old self-built way to form a modern system to adapt to modern life and social environment.(4)and in the third world countries and China self-built process in the architects of its concern is too low,lack of experience under the current situation,to explore the contemporary "self-built" to promote the use of architects and the role of the third world countries to play.With a view to help solve the specific problems in urban and rural construction in China,to achieve the sustainable development of human settlements.
Keywords/Search Tags:John F.C.Turner, Self-help, Contemporary Housing
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