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Design Research Of Automotive Interior Under New Circumstance Of Internet

Posted on:2018-07-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X N LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330536960915Subject:Design Industrial design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays,with the internet application developing,almost all the industries areinfluenced voluntarily or passively.As a result,they begin to seek the new opportunity in market.As an important part of the modern society,automobile's combination with internet has raised people's concern for long.In recent years,more and more so called internet automobiles,are coming into our view.However,most of them merely connect the two or provide more online entertainment.In fact,they do not find the exact internet application scenario,where users really interact with the automotive interior.So this paper would discuss the automotive interior design in the internet application scenario.I would begin the paper with the scenario analysis and the product design.Firstly,I would discuss the elements of the scenario and their mutual relationships.And I will try to define the scenario research of the product design.What's more,I want to reveal the interaction of them,in order to get how to study scenario in product design and how to capture consumers' potential requirements.Finally,concluding from the relevant research,I want to work out the basic process of the product design based on the scenario study.In the part of the status and trend of the mobile inferior,I mainly discuss its elements,the development process and the newest internet service technology and application.It is the acknowledgment of the constitution of mobile inferior that guides the the classification of the scenarios of the design practice.It is the study of the mobile inferior design process that reveals the problems in design.Also the study can prove the necessary of introducing scenario study into mobile inferior design process.It is the study of the newest internet service technology and application that guides the part of the design practice.In this paper I want to propose the process and method of the mobile inferior design,based on the scenario study,which is from the basic process of the product design and the modern mobile inferior design process.What's more,I wish we can practice our mobile inferior design in refer to such process and method,which is adapted to the new internet environment.On the other side,the practice is another test of such study.This paper focuses on the scenario study and selects the mobile inferior design based on the internet environment as the study item.I want to propose a method,which can guide the design practice in theory.What's more,I wish this paper can provide the relevant theories and research framework for further study.
Keywords/Search Tags:internet, scenario study, product design, mobile inferior
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