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The Application Of Lanchester Equation In Modern War

Posted on:2018-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330533966838Subject:Systems Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Lanchester equations are a differential equation group that studies the changes in the relationship between the two sides of forces in war.And the equations are one of the important methods for establishing combat models.However,with the continuous development of science and technology and the increasingly more complicated modern war,the original Lanchester equations are unable to describe the complicated and changing battlefield any more,due to its simple form and insufficient factors being considered.In order to better adjust to the reality and give better commands in a war,constant improvement and continuous innovation are necessary.I propose a simulation analysis through establishing corresponding Lanchester combat model based on China's actual situation to analyze the influence of China's hot military factors on modern warfare.The main tasks in this paper are as below:(1)In view of the fierce psychological warfare,establishes a Lanchester combat model reflecting psychological factors of soldiers,and carries out example simulation according to different circumstances,analyzes the influence of psychological factors on modern warfare,to further illustrate how to improve the psychological defense in wartime,so as to minimize the impact of psychological destruction.(2)With regard to the military ID tag that has been confirmed but not allocated by the Chinese People's Liberation Army(PLA),this paper analyzes the relevant factors that the ID tag reflects,establishes corresponding Lanchester combat model,and analyzes the influence of military ID tag on wars.As I am personally responsible for this assignment,hereby I also offer some suggestions on the application of the military ID tag from the perspective of my own work practice.(3)In recent years our country emphasizes the development of soft power,this paper establishes the Lanchester equations which incorporate the military soft power,analyzes the influence of military soft power on modern warfare,carries out simulation verification based on different circumstances,and puts forward methods and approaches for enhancing the military soft power of our country.(4)The paper provides an effective method to cope with the crisis concerning the recently controversial matter,the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense(THAAD)anti-missile system,from the perspective of military strategy technique by assessing the Lanchester combat model for the early warning system of air defense missile,and referring to the past case of Cuban missile crisis.(5)By combining the several factors analyzed herein,this paper analyzes the US-Iraq war and establishes the Lanchester combat model in the US-Iraq war.Through the analysis on the US-Iraq War,the paper further illustrates the fact that the destruction that a war imposes on a nation cannot be repaired and that the trauma of war to human beings is permanent,thus to call for people to cherish and appreciate peace.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lanchester equations, Psychological factor, Military ID tag, Military soft power, Anti-missile system
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