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Research On The Forbidden Left-turning Urban Road Arterial Signal Coordination Optimization Control

Posted on:2018-05-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330533459442Subject:Transportation planning and management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of economy in our country,the surge i n car ownership and i ncreasing urban road traffic load not only bring people hidden troubl e on daily commuti ng but also seriousl y affected t he peopl e's daily l ife.Interse ction is the urban traffic hubs which often t he main steps of traffic jams,especi ally t he m ost important reason of causing i ntersection congest ion is left-t urn traffic fl ow.Because of the increasing rat e of transportation infrastructure can not m atch t he growth rate of motor vehi cle ownership,forbidding left-turnning measure has attracted people's at tent ion.However,it's superfic ial for the curre nt study of forbidding l eft-turnni ng measure t hat schol ars ignore the forbidding left-turnning vehicles ' impact to the whole traffic sys tem.Consequent ly,the article is based on summari zing characteristics of forbidding left-turnning intersection and the mi nimum delay method.It st udies a coordinated control method of the left-behi nd s ignal with the optim al phase di fference,period and green signal ratio as the ul timate goa l.The article anal yz es t he characteri stics of the left-turn traffic flow and its impact on the traffic organiz ation of int ersection.On this basis,it discusses the advantage s and disadvantage s of the forbidding left-turnning measures and t he implementation methods and conditions.Introduces the basic concept of coordinate d control of art erial road s ignals,anal yz es ex isting m ethods of signal coordination control at home and abroad,and infl uencing factors that i nfluence t he effect of coordi nate d control of forbiddi ng left-turnning arter ial road.Based on the curre nt study,i t i s found that the curre nt research on the forbiddi ng l eft-turnni ng m eas ure is l imited to the study of the single int ersection.Most of the control methods in the arter ial road coordi nati on control are also limited to the given s peed,fi xed peri od And green l ight length,only ex ist in coordination and optim ization of the arteri al road under the condi tions of the phase di fference,etc.Therefore,t he article based on the i dea of superi mposed arterial road,and consider the randomnes s of the vehi cle and the impact of t he forbidding left-turnning vehicles on t he arter ial road,to take the total delay and the total num ber of parking of the forbidding l eft-turnni ng arterial road st raight vehi cle and detour vehicle as the obj ecti ve functi on,thus constructing a coordinated optimization model for forbi dding left-turnning arterial road control.Based on a si mple arterial road system consi sting of three forbidden left-turnning i ntersections and det our roads,using MATLA B to improve the programming language of genetical gorithm,to solve the building model in this article,and analysis the optimization results basedon the VIS SIM simulation platform.comparatively,the results of previous arteri al road signal coordinated cont rol to do analysi s,find that the average del ay decreases 2.4s/pcu,t he v ehicle queue length decreases 2.7pcu,shows the superiori ty of the model is present ed in this paper.An example is given to analyze the arteri al road of the sectional intersection of East Gat e Street in Jintan District,Changzhou City.It is furt her verifi ed that the average delay and average number of vehicl es in the forbidding left-turnning arter ial road opti miz ed by this model are declined which are Compared with those of the previous control model in five cycl e,Thus proving the applicabi lity of t he model.
Keywords/Search Tags:forbidden left-turning arter ial road, coordination control, Optimi zation model, genetic algori thm, VIS S IM, MATLAB
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