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A Research Of Protection And Utilization On Jingzhou Foreign Wharf Industrial Heritage Area

Posted on:2018-11-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y N JingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330518457034Subject:Architecture and Civil Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the past,the waterfront area has also contributed to the emergence and growth of various dock industries because of the advantages of gathering and transportation.,such as the wharf industry and shipbuilding indus try.But with the continuous im provement of the developm ent of hum an economy and the enhancem ent of scientific and technological capabilities,the city has gradually shifted from the traditional industrial era to post-industrial era.In order to ensure the success of this transformation,the urban development management departments have also formulated various industrial restructuring policies,such as the old i ndustrial area relocated to the outskirts,land function replacement,etc.To be sure,these policies are positive fo r accelerating urban industrial restructuring and ensuring m ore adaptation to the developm ent of modern societies.But it also led to a previously wi dely used in industrial production of land and the construction was abandoned for a long time.Even submerged in the construction of modern cities.The city' s pattern is out of t une.And it will direc tly lead to th is is the industrial area of social-economic activity gradually stagnation.Jingzhou relying on Y angtze River as the source of econom ic development.For more than 100 years,the Y angtze River in Jingzhou area is an econom ic center and industrial energy manufacturing supply base.The Yangtze River Valley has contributed the main force to the local economy and society.Jingzhou Foreign Wharf witnessed the huge foreign merchant ships and bears the ar tillery of Japanese warships.W itness the bullying powers,suffered flooding attack.Witness the bravery of the T ransitional River Civil and military.Withstand a hundred years of commercial port,from thrive to decline.Later,riverside industrial is gradually decline,and left m any industrial manufacturing equipment with great characteristics of the industrial age.Such as factory buildings,production process and production of a distinct characteristics of the machine.At this stage,how can we ef fectively protect and util ize these industrial heritage,so that it becom es a m ember of the urban space fa mily,the inheritance of industrial history and culture value of wa terfront area.And ultim ately improve the public service level of waterfront and urban spatia l image.This is the core resea rch topic of this paper.With the adjustment of the industrial structure of Jingzhou,the use function of the original large number of industrial buildings along the Yangtze River is weakened,the space structure is destroyed.The waterfront is facing some serious structural problems on reforming and recycling.The paper ta kes Jingzhou Ocean W harf and its industrial area as the research object.Through the practic al construction planning project as the reference basis,a detailed analysis of the cultural customs,historic significance and its geographic features of Rivers ide Industrial heritage area.Planning and design of the protection and development mode of its industrial heritage.
Keywords/Search Tags:Waterfront area, Wharf, Industrial Heritage, Utilization, Design
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