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The Study Of Electric Car Motor Controller Based On ARM

Posted on:2018-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YuFull Text:PDF
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As a convenient transport,autom obiles are widely used,bri nging a variety of environmental problems.Secondly,the car is consuming a large number of gasoline,natural gas which are not renewable resources.Domestic energy reserves can not m eet the rap id development of the autom otive industry.Based on the above reasons,it is ur gent for us t o upgrade the industry and develop new technologies.The vehicle technology will greatly push the progress.Electric vehicles consume electricity in the process which is a clean energy,there is no exhaust pollution,noise pollution problems.The development prospects are very broad.This paper takes the AC asynchronous motor controller of electric vehicle as the research object which is used in th e electric vehicle industry,meanwhile introducing the whole structure of the system and developi ng a set of controller in the paper.Including hardware circuit component and software component,this paper analyzes the m ain part of hardware circuit and software algorithm.This paper introduces the research background and significance of the electric vehicle motor controller,the current situation and de velopment of the domes tic and in ternational electric vehicle motor controller,as well as the achievements and deficiencies in this field.The application of AC asynchronous motor control system in electric vehicle is applied.For motor control proved to the ov erall scheme of hardware and softwa re,hardware part includes m ain circuit chip ARM STM32F103RET6 chip in the family,as well as the peripheral power conversion circuit,CA N bus circ uit and current detection circ uit.Software part progra m algorithm for use,including the clock program,inverter circuit,SVPW M pulse width modulation technology,analog acq uisition.The dynamic mathematical model of AC m otor and the vector control technology are introduced.From the aspects of ha rdware and software,this paper makes a detailed analysis of each module circuit and software program.Finally,the application of upper com puter programming software LabVIE W in the m otor controller system is explained.
Keywords/Search Tags:AC asynchronous m otor, STM32F103RET6, inverter, vector control technology, LabVIEW
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