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University Space Design In Cultural Exchange

Posted on:2017-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y DingFull Text:PDF
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This article is based on the situation of education with which the fundamental trend of globalization, informatisation and national academic exchange constantly, having the campus space as the object to research the way directly or indirectly presenting the multi-culture, in the meantime, to initiatively explore the patterns of space design of international culture exchange within campus.University campus, the place of particular significance in both histor y and education aspects, withhold the responsibility of popularizing main stream culture, its space design not only build up the physical materials around, but more specifically play an extraordinary role in shaping the personality and mental attribution of those who benefit the utmost, ideol ogically shows the great impact globally. With the overall situation of ec onomic integration, education internationalisation has become an newl y trend, its function has shown diversely. However, we have lost the balan ce of implementing development strategy internationally and diverse desi gning towards separated learners, specifically showed upsimply in functio nal and spiritual aspects. Therefore, this article is in pursuit of presenting openness and inclusion as well as the integration and enhancement of mul ti-culture getting involved into the university campus.International university campus shows the various external performa nces due to the nature carrier of mixing participants who come from diffe rent places for scientific research and communication. To search for the campus designing pattens has to analyse from inside, specifically from the mindset of "the factors" to the behaviour setting of "outcome",to explore the space designing methods from the formative elements and angles of the aesthetics principle. This article starts and expands with the upgrading and remoulding project of International Exchange Centre of Hunan Normal University (also known as Mulan Building), then to continuously popularise and explore the campus space designing pattens,expecting to make a positive impact.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cultural Exchanging, Space Designing, mindset, space formation
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