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A Study On The Artistic Design Of The Tourism Resort

Posted on:2018-05-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L M J S R L WuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the history of Mongolia, there have been different tribes of the rise and decline of the history, in this turbulent history of the stage have left a bright and humble one. In Mongolian history, there are more than 20 ethnic groups, in more than 20 ethnic groups and tribes, the most populous is the Khalkh tribe. Some of the less populated tribes are being gradually assimilated and even wither away along with the rapid development of society.Tsataan is the smallest number of Mongolian people, Tsaatan, Mongolian writing "Tsataan", translated as "reindeer herders." According to survey statistics, the tribe is currently only about 45 families. For more than 3,000 years, they have been living in the Mongolian Taj a coniferous forest, reindeer is all of their lives.Taja coniferous forest has a desolate and harsh beauty. Although the visibility can not be compared with the Gobi Desert or the prairie, but it is one of the largest biological community on Earth. So there is a great environmental value, is the Tsataan people and reindeer's home. Unfortunately,their traditional culture and way of life are facing threats.I believe that the life of the Tsataan living area, has a unique ecological advantages of the original, through the development of tourist resorts,highlighting the unique art and design style, to promote the local economic development, to enhance the people of Tsataan people Living standards, to ensure their survival and ethnic reproduction, as well as the transmission of cultural traditions and other aspects of far-reaching significance. This article intends to conduct a tentative study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mongolia, Khuvsgul, Tsaatan ethnic group, Tourist resort, Art Design
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