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Architectural Design Research In The Future

Posted on:2017-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y XueFull Text:PDF
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Human generations after differentiation of individual and group integration process,from the relationship between performance for settlement,tribal clan,feudal society,modern society each different stages such as configuration,optimized the space that are in the final analysis the development,from sharing the cave to share all activities in the community properties are individuals to seek and group collaboration to improve the use efficiency of space.By narrowing the differences between modern architecture,people pursuit of the harmonious relationship between individuals and social groups at the same time,has been seeking a balance between architecture and environment.This paper tries to describe by vertical developing city ease population pressure caused by the shortage of environmental space,and through modular construction design to achieve the future balance relation in the post-industrial city architectural space.Based on the basic theory of modular architecture design technology,discuss the research and application,of the future architectural design in a\"vertical\" the philosophy of the relationship between form and constitute a way to predict the future urban construction.Firstly analyzed the future vertical city architectural design concept,the future development trend,design performance are summarized.Then through state the inspiration for this case,elements,forms reflect,constitute a way of describing the future human vertical city with modular construction ideas and creativity,to better for human habitation.The future city construction is mainly the idea of modularization,using the principle of combination of decomposition,the complex things simple ordering,achieve rapid,efficient,high quality results.In speed up the construction,improve the living quality and save social resources,achieve the balance between buildings and environment,so as to create a better living environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modular space optimization, architecture design, urban construction in the future
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