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Jingdezhen Financial Bureau Hotel Interior Design

Posted on:2017-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L ChenFull Text:PDF
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The hotel as a national urban microcosm, but also a symbol of the local culture of the region, so in order to reflect the higher level even higher cultural status, the hotel's interior design also essential. The hotel now not only has a lot of practicality content, but gradually become a symbol of the whole city cultural taste. Modern new hotel is no longer just a place to relax and be present between the city, the new hotel is more like a cultural form, a symbol of the local geographical features, so now designers have begun to re-examine modern hotel interiors, highlight its regional focus. With China's economic development, people's material life are constantly upgrading, but also to enhance the substance is bound to make people's spiritual pursuit of expanding the concept of consumption is also the attendant change to a higher personalization consumer to make a transition to the more popular and more features and thematic things, this change in the form of hotel design to bring greater headroom and a better form of development. Therefore, modern design of the hotel will be transformed into a simple conceptual design combining local culture, space design and the pursuit of higher living model, from the pursuit of fashion, luxury design into people-centered, highlighting more comfortable, pleasant and more regional culture nature, into the local customs and combine exotic theme design hotel. To give local tourism people deep and unique travel experience, which is the core element of a modern hotel competition.This article explains the hotel's interior design concept, starting with the basic theory of regional culture of the hotel, combined with the actual project- Finance Bureau Jingdezhen hotel interior design are discussed. Prominent contemporary hotel design and practical application of research in the design of regional culture and summarizes modern hotel design concepts and techniques. Paper is broadly divided into six parts: The first chapter is the introduction, mainly on modern hotel research background, content and methods, purpose and significance, research methods and ideas. The second chapter for the hotel interior design and regional culture, this chapter will illustrate the theme of the hotel's geographical and cultural meaning, and analysis and design elements of regional culture theme hotel concept and composition and other space design. Finally, comparing the status quo at home and abroad hotel who summed up the most suitable for China's regional culture theme hotel. Chapter III Interpretation and demand considerations, the interpretation by the project examples, summed up the project with the city location, the survey and analysis of the geographical and cultural conditions faced by customer groups, and taking into account the design may be halfway regional culture theme Design Hotel Situation situation occur, the design of a project to control macro. The fourth chapter of the regional culture theme hotel interior design studies, chapter covers the theme hotel design strategy, combined with the cultural elements of the design as well as geographical and cultural resources on the follow design principles, from space planning and interior partitions start function, then the facade and ceiling design, interior landscape furnishings, ceilings and lighting design analysis, to create the most culturally appropriate interior space. The fifth chapter analyzes and project design scheme show. The sixth chapter is the conclusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hotel Design, Regional, Ceramic elements
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