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Traffic Capacity Of Decussation Intersections For Port Collection And Distribution Roads

Posted on:2017-08-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Q LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330488459982Subject:Port, Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
To adapt to the new changes of the international trade, large-scale, deep-water and specialized berths are being built in China, improving the overall level of service of the port. Construction of large container terminals can significantly promote local economic development. Port collection and distribution systems are used to connect the port with the city, and to evacuate port cargo. That is to say, port collection and distribution systems are significant external conditions for the existence and development of ports. To rationally planning the port collection and distribution system, it is necessary to demonstrate calculation method for the traffic capacity of signalized intersections for container terminal collection and distribution roads and to establish Level of Service (LOS) evaluation systems which can effectively reflect the traffic quality of signalized intersections.For traffic flow of signalized intersections for container terminal collection and distribution roads, the mixing ratio of heavy vehicles is great, thus there are significant differences between the urban traffic flow and port collection and distribution roads traffic flow. It is not applicable to calculate traffic capacity of signalized intersections on collection and distribution road of container terminal according to Code for Planning Intersections on Urban Roads. In this paper, the collection and distribution Roads of Dalian Port are taken in example. By the establishment of microscopic traffic simulation model based on VISSIM, the variation of saturation flow, valid green ratio, average delay, maximum queue length and other transport parameters are investigated in this paper. Finally, mathematical model for calculating traffic capacity and determining Level of Service (LOS) for signalized intersections for container terminal collection and distribution roads are built.In this paper, a detailed analysis of traffic characteristics for signalized intersections for container terminal collection and distribution roads are made from the point of traffic generation mechanism. Traffic data such as traffic composition and vehicle parameters are obtained by the actual investigation. Microscopic traffic simulation model which can accurately reflect the actual operation of the traffic flow for the signalized intersections for container terminal collection and distribution roads are built, and the simulation model parameters are calibrated. A plurality of simulation models are built to calculate the traffic capacity for signalized intersections under different mix rate of heavy vehicle and traffic signal control. It points out that the saturation flow value and mix rate of heavy vehicle is inverse proportion function relation, while the phase lost time value and mix rate of heavy vehicle is quadratic function relation. Besides, the variation of average delay, v/c ratio, maximum queue length and other transport parameters are investigated by the establishment of numerous simulation models. That is to say, Level of Service (LOS) evaluation systems are built. Finally, research results are applied to real cases, through the calculating of traffic capacity, the maximum traffic volume which can be served for the intersection for different Level of Service (LOS) are got, and advice to improve the traffic quality of signalized intersections are promoted.
Keywords/Search Tags:Container terminal, Decussation Intersections, Traffic Capacity, Level of Service, Saturation Flow, Phase Lost Time
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