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The Micro-electric Car Design Based On The Characteristics Of Women

Posted on:2017-08-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X W JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330488458354Subject:Art Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, with domestic and international environmental issues become increasingly prominent, the traditional energy has become tighter. In the double environmental and energy crisis, new energy vehicles do not rely on gasoline and diesel, zero pollution, have been rapid development. At home and abroad have introduced the concept of new of electric vehicles, so that the development direction of the car turned conceptualization, personalization, technology, automotive and human interaction more interesting. As environmentally friendly vehicles, to its popularity is the inevitable trend of future development, a large high-end luxury electric car popularity difficulty, and economical mini electric car more suitable for home or personal life travel. Miniature electric vehicles as short trips of transport, a small volume of the body can freely shuttle in the crowded lanes, saving a parking space, providing convenience for individuals and small family travel.As a means of transport to travel, cars so far has been a tremendous development, tracing the history of the car, looking for another perspective on the evolution of the car will lead to more valuable thinking. This paper attempts to explore female micro-electric car designed from the perspective of market segments, the use of the concept of market segmentation, combined with female driving behavior and physiological and psychological characteristics, to improving the popular micro-electric car design, hoping to meet with female users car demand. Although the market has been the emergence of a small number of female car, but most of them are biased feminine shape and color design, functionality and driving space design what women required is not much, I hope that through this research can provide future female car design some guidance.This paper states the research background and research methods and purpose of target product, discusses the writing of the context of the whole article. Secondly, through the analysis of female physiology, psychology and new consumer features, as well as micro-electric car-related knowledge to master, to understand the future development trend of the target product, to explore how automotive products to conform modern life and the female user needs. Then, combined with the early results of the survey, as well as the car's styling, color and interior space of three elements to be analyzed Women car preferences, triggering Consideration for women micro-electric car designed to provide humane care and car user experience for women. Finally, the findings applied to the design practice, finish the sketch design, computer-aided design, the effect map production, physical modeling of the complete design process. Results of this study for women automotive market research has certain reference value, for the development of micro-electric car also has some significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Female, Micro-electric car, Design
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