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Regional Class Research Vessel Propulsion System Optimization Design

Posted on:2017-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D J LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330485455336Subject:Agricultural mechanization
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Regional class research vessel is especially designed for basic, comprehensive and specific oceanographic investigation. Most regional class research vessels in China are now characterized by their small size, over manning, and high demand for endurance capacity. Therefore the propulsion system equipped for the regional class research vessel should be different from that of other regular ships. To choose a proper propulsion system for regional class research vessel, extra attention should be paid to vessel's working condition and safety performance. Based on an analysis of the existing propulsion systems, this scientific and practical study is aiming at optimizing the propulsion system of regional class research vessel with an application of the diesel-electric hybrid propulsion system.To fulfill the task of oceanographic investigation, many researches on propulsion system are done as follows:(1)In the first part, two typical kinds of propulsion systems are analyzed with an introduction of their propelling theory, system model and propelling features. It is found that both the controllable pitch propeller propulsion system and electric system have their advantages and disadvantages. This part is the theoretical foundation of designing optimum propulsion system for regional class research vessel.(2)With the above theoretical analysis, in this part diesel-electric hybrid propulsion system is studied via the modeling and optimizing.(3) Control principle and strategy of Parallel operation, which is vital to diesel-electric hybrid propulsion system are hereby examined. Control mode and control flow of integrated diesel-electric are then proposed.(4)In this part, the PTH Simulation model is studied, revealing that the system could well meet the classification requirements(by 2014 CCS) for steal seagoing vessels, namely under the sea condition of Beaufort wind scale-3,the proposed propulsion system could ensure the vessel to sail at over 7kn full loaded speed.
Keywords/Search Tags:regional class research vessel, propulsion system, PTI, PTH, optimization, research
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